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Everything posted by FaKe_Wessel

  1. FaKe_Wessel


    Hello, I have made a forum post and I see that therers a flaw or smth idk Because you cant see if you get a response, or in my case, you dont get a response so im just testing, also if you wanna respond eitehr email icyycontact@gmail.com or wvkoeverden@gmail.com because as i said Theres no way for me to know if someone responds becacause they dont notify u whitch is annoying
  2. Me and alot of other people to are upset because their worlds hav been completely restarted when the servers went down. It doesnt really seem like minehut is working on it, dont see any or none responses and nothing in discord too. People spent years on their worlds and I feel like it's really a shame that this happened and I hope to get a answer soon to how to fix this and why this happened.
  3. Had the exact same problem. Tbh i dont even think they really care
  4. I had this too and I feel like it's really a shame that they just let this slide and work on bigger servers and stuff like that to make it even worse because they cant handle it too.
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