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Everything posted by Audehh08

  1. Audehh08

    VIP Giveaway

    What time does the giveaway end may I ask?
  2. Audehh08

    Skripting a gui.

    Yes but this is a gui rank shop and if someone buys it it takes 100 coins. but if they have already purchased it and they click buy vip again, it charges them again
  3. Audehh08

    Skripting a gui.

    Hi!! So I have a gui shop using skript. this is the skript:```command /ts:trigger:open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&c&lToken Shop" to playerformat gui slot 1 of player with shiny diamond named "&4&lVIP Rank" with lore "&fCost: 100 tokens" to run:if balance of player >= 100:remove 100 from balance of playerexecute console command "lp user %player% parent set vip"```As you can see you can buy a rank on my server. but how do i cancel the event if they player already has bought vip??
  4. so i know that it can show a players name using %Player%... but what about their prefixes?
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