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Everything posted by Skray

  1. Skray

    Block regen

    Nah, if you mine a block who isnt on the list it should be regened and the drop cleared.
  2. Would this work? on right click with paper: name of player's item is "Emerad mine" delete player's item from hotbar add player's uuid to {checkEmerald::*} on region enter: if "%region at player%" contains "Emerald": if {checkEmerald::*} contains player's uuid: cancel event else: teleport %player% to 100 50 100 send "You don't have permission to enter the emerald mine."
  3. Skray

    Region enter

    I need help with this script. on region enter: region is "%Pvp1%" send "You are in a pvp zone now." on region exit: region is "%Pvp1%" send "You left the pvp zone."
  4. Skray

    Block regen

    This dosn't work. I need some help. on mine: if event-block is coal ore, iron ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, or stone cancel event else: clear the drops set event-block to event-block send "You can't mine that".
  5. How to do on first join set it to 0?
  6. I need help with this: It does not work. set line 12 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&6Deaths: &f%{deaths::%{loop-player's uuid}%} ? 0%" on death of player: add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%}
  7. How to do that with "loop-player's"? (I am using skbee)
  8. I chanced to this: But the deaths dosn't work on join: clear player's scoreboard on script load: loop all players: clear loop-player's scoreboard every tick: loop all players: toggle loop-player's scoreboard to true set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "SERVER NAME" set line 12 of loop-player's scoreboard to "Deaths: %player's deaths%" set line 11 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 10 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lYou" set line 9 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7Name: &f%loop-player's displayname%" set line 8 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7Ping: &f%loop-player's ping%ms" set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lInformations" set line 4 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7TPS: &f%rounded 1st element of tps%" set line 3 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7Online: &f%number of all players%&7/&f%max players%" set line 2 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 1 of loop-player's scoreboard to "SERVER NAME.Minehut.gg" on death: add 1 to %player's deaths%
  9. It did not work. Here is my scoreboard: function updateBoard(p: player): set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&4Rank: &f %player's prefix% " set line 3 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&4Name: &f%{_p}%" set line 2 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6Kills: &f%{kills::%{_uuid}%} ? 0%" set line 1 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6Deaths: &f%{deaths::%{_uuid}%} ? 0%" on join: set title of player's scoreboard to "&3Skray" updateBoard(player) on death of player: add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%} if attacker is a player: add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%} updateBoard(victim) updateBoard(attacker) on disconnect: clear scoreboard of player
  10. How to use it in here, it dosn't work set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&4Rank: &f %player's prefix% "
  11. I need help with my scoreboard, I need it to show the players prefix, but idk what the variable for prefix/group is. (I am using Permission Ex and Vault.) Is it like %{players prefix}%?
  12. Endermans are the mob in minecraft who drop the most exp. (After the enderdragon)
  13. Thank you! Can I like make so it is 50% getting something, 25% getting something else, 15% getting something else and 10% to something else. Without using using the multiply chances?
  14. Can I use it in a scoreboard? (%time played of player%)
  15. How do I stop multiple chances of happening? Like stop this for multiples: right click: chance of 50%: give player 64 stone chance of 50%: give player 16 beef chance of 50%: give player 5 diamond
  16. no, I am not a skripter
  17. Need help how to make a scoreboard, also what plugins do I need? Design: &6Server Name Name: <player's name> Rank: <rank> (For ranks I am using Permission Ex) Kills: <kills> Deaths: <Deaths> Blocks mined: <blocks mined> Playtime: <Hours played> Ip: &2Skray.minehut.gg I also need help with this: They doesn't work. on break: add 1 to {player's::blocks} add 1 to {server's::blocks} loop forever: wait 1 hour add 1 to {playtime} on kill: add 1 to {player's::kills} on death: add 1 to {player's::death}
  18. So would this work? on block break: chance of 1%: give player chest named "&4Backpack" on right click with chest named "&4Backpack" chance of 25%: give player 64 stone chance of 50%: give player 16 beef chance of 50%: give player 5 diamond
  19. I need a script were if you have 1 stone, 1 coal, 1 iron, 1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 netherite, 1 log, 1 clay, 1 gold. Then you will get a Prismarin named Shard.
  20. Thanks! But how to like on right click, 10% to get stone, 10% coal...
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