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Posts posted by Parsafari

    • 8 Years of experience in building
    • Builder on several other servers
    • Very good in organics

    Here is my portfolio: https://imgbox.com/g/a9SoaG9nmK (it's a bit outdated, around a month or so)

    Some of my builds:





    • Standard Package: x1 Server Lobby - Price: VIP Rank on Minehut
    • Elite Package: x1 Server Lobby + x2 Organic Builds - Price: PRO Rank on Minehut

    Contact me on discord if you are interested: Parsafari#8686

    Note: if someone purchases the standard or elite package, that package won't be available again so make sure you are the first person who orders!


  1. Ok so I was bored so I decided to make a reaction message script. This is basically what the script does:example.PNG.b663e491bcd8cdda9855dab95fc242c1.PNG

    Here is the script: (you can download the script or copy & paste this one) (Important info at the end of the post)

    every 210 seconds:
        set {reactionmessage} to random integer between 0 and 5 #Replace 5 with the number of words you want
        #Copy & paste this section and replace the number and the word to your likings.
        if {reactionmessage} is equal to 0:
            set {reactionword} to "FariMC"
        if {reactionmessage} is equal to 1:
            set {reactionword} to "Prison"
        if {reactionmessage} is equal to 2:
            set {reactionword} to "Mining"
        if {reactionmessage} is equal to 3:
            set {reactionword} to "Plots"
        if {reactionmessage} is equal to 4:
            set {reactionword} to "Discord"
        if {reactionmessage} is equal to 5:
            set {reactionword} to "Tokens"
        set {reactionenabled} to 1
        broadcast ""
        broadcast "&bFirst person to type &e%{reactionword}% &bwins 10 Tokens."
        broadcast ""
        set {reactiontimer} to 0
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        wait 1 seconds
        add 1 to {reactiontimer}
        set {reactionenabled} to 0
        if {reactionanswered} is equal to 1:
            set {reactionanswered} to 0
            broadcast "&cNobody got the word in time :("
    on chat:
        if message contains "%{reactionword}%":
            if {reactionenabled} is equal to 1:
                if {reactionanswered} is equal to 0:
                    cancel event
                    broadcast "&e%player% &bwon in %{reactiontimer}% seconds!"
                    set {reactionanswered} to 1
                    #Do Stuff Here

    Here are some example rewards that you can put at #Do Stuff Here:

    • give 5 of diamond to player - this one gives 5 diamonds to the player
    • Execute console command "eco give %player% 1000" - this one gives 1000$ to the player (requires essentialsX)
    • or any other command

    If you find any bugs or have any suggestions leave a reply down below!

    Btw I have a game development channel, you can check it out if you are interested! : Click Here!


    You can also download the skript file here:


  2. Hey, I'm working on multiple servers right now (prison, anarchy, skyblock etc.) and I want to have a main hub where players can join the other servers but I can't find any commands that let's the players join another server while in a server.

    (Note: I know that you can join servers by doing /join in the minehut lobby but I want to redirect the players to another server FROM my own server.)

    I heard that there was a /server command before but it is removed, does anyone know when it will come back or the reason why it got removed? is there any other way to redirect players to another server? thank you 🙂

  3. Servers are currently down due to some problems

    so what happened this morning has affected us in a fair amount with cascading failures. we have tried to reboot things a bit a time as things were going up but it seems a full network reboot is in order.. hopefully we should be back up fairly soon

  4. I see a lot of servers where every time you refresh the page a random MOTD appears. I think it would be cool to have this feature added to minehut.

    for example:

    MOTD 1 | chance: 20% | the best server on earth!

    MOTD 2 | chance: 20% | who wants free diamonds?

    MOTD 3 | chance: 20% | join our discord: <link>

    MOTD 4 | chance: 20% | join for 10 years of good luck

    MOTD 5 | chance: 20% | new season out!

    then it randomly selects a MOTD like every 5 seconds.


    also I would suggest that you expand the character limit to at least 2 lines instead of 64 characters! 🙂

  5. the advertisers (the people who own that promo video) have to pay minehut for each time their video is shown and minehut gives us credit using the money the receive. so the company making those products either ran out of money OR they didn't have enough sales OR they sold enough products they wanted so why would they pay minehut more money if they don't need to advertise their products anymore? that's the reason (at least in my opinion) that the promo videos are not showing up anymore.

    • Thanks 1
  6. oh so it's allowed on anarchy. btw you also said:

    1 hour ago, Minehut said:

    however it may be punishable for doing it on the other server

    so I won't make the lag machine on the other server and wait until a moderator replies so I can make sure if it is punishable or not. thanks for the reply! 

  7. ok so in the rules it says griefing a server is not allowed but what about lag machines? I don't think that counts as griefing because the server is still there but it only lags. the reason I ask this is because of 2 reasons: 1. I want to make this on an anarchy server 2. I also want to make this on a pay to win gen server. will I get banned from minehut if I do that? thanks.

  8. ok so after 2 hours of banging my head against the wall I found out that :

    set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&7Lucky Mining"

    works. you can also choose which line u want the lore to be, its so cool! I'm leaving this here in-case anyone from the future faces the same problem as me, maybe I can help them with this. 🙂

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  9. ok so basically I want to lore an item whenever I do /loretest

    but when I do it nothing happens to the item (there is also no errors after I reload the script)

    here is the script:

    command /loretest:
      permission: op
        if player's held item is diamond pickaxe:
          set lore of player's tool to "Lucky Mining||new line"
          send "hey" to player

    it says "hey" in chat but nothing happens to the pickaxe. I also have OP permissions and I'm entering the command correctly 🙂

  10. Hey. I want to make a custom currency for my server using skript and I watched all the minehut tutorials about skript and they said that you can use {example} to make variables but they never mentioned how to make the variable global (like the total balance of the server) or make it private so it's different for every player.

    is there a way to make a variable that stores different values for each player?

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