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Posts posted by Disvand

  1. 1 hour ago, Gam3rBoi said:

    Oh. Good to know.

    You do need to take away the space in between gold_nugget and {display}: gold_nugget{display:{N...

    Also, make sure you formatted the custom name of the item in the give command correctly. Or you could use the examples above for a simple skript item.

    he needs to remove the / on the console command, console commands dont use slashes

  2. function formatNumber(n: number) :: text:
       set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3"
       loop split {_data} at "|":
          set {_s::*} to split loop-value at ","
          {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number
          return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%"
       return "%{_n}%"

    if u wanna add higher numbers like septillion, add "SP,24|" to the beginning of setting the data local variable. the number after the comma is how many 0's it has in it
    to format variables, instead of writing "%{variable::%player's uuid%}%" you write: "%formatNumber({variable::%player's uuid%})%"

  3. 8 hours ago, BOXEY said:

    a gui to get dyed leather armor

      # This will show up on error messages
      # change whats in the quotations to your wanted prefix
      prefix: "&4&l[!]"
      # This will change the permission of the command
      # change whats in the quotations to your required permission
      perm: "dye.command"
      # This will change the message someone gets shown if they do the command without the given permission
      # change whats in the quotations to your wanted message
      permmsg: "&4&lYou Do Not Have The Required Permission For This Command."
      # This will change the message shown when armor is dyed.
      # change whats in the quotations to your wanted success message
      sucsmsg: "&2&lSuccess! Dyed Your Armor."
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # begin gui
    command /dye:
      permission: {@perm} 
      permission message: {@permmsg}
        if player's held item is leather armour:     
          set (metadata "dye" of player) to chest inventory with 6 rows named "&5Dye"
          set slot integers between 0 and 53 of (metadata "dye" of player) to gray stained glass pane named "&7"
          set slot 10 of (metadata "dye" of player) to white dye named "&f&lWhite" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fWhite"
          set slot 11 of (metadata "dye" of player) to red dye named "&c&lRed" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fRed"
          set slot 12 of (metadata "dye" of player) to orange dye named "&6&lOrange" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fOrange"
          set slot 13 of (metadata "dye" of player) to yellow dye named "&e&lYellow" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fYellow"
          set slot 14 of (metadata "dye" of player) to lime dye named "&a&lLime" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLime"
          set slot 15 of (metadata "dye" of player) to green dye named "&2&lGreen" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fGreen" 
          set slot 16 of (metadata "dye" of player) to light blue dye named "&b&lLight Blue" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLight Blue"
          set slot 19 of (metadata "dye" of player) to cyan dye named "&3&lCyan" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fCyan"
          set slot 20 of (metadata "dye" of player) to blue dye named "&9&lBlue" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fBlue"
          set slot 21 of (metadata "dye" of player) to pink dye named "&d&lPink" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fPink"
          set slot 22 of (metadata "dye" of player) to magenta dye named "&d&lMagenta" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fMagenta"
          set slot 23 of (metadata "dye" of player) to purple dye named "&5&lPurple" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fPurple"
          set slot 24 of (metadata "dye" of player) to gray dye named "&8&lGray" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fGray"
          set slot 25 of (metadata "dye" of player) to light gray dye named "&7&lLight Gray" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLight Gray"
          set slot 28 of (metadata "dye" of player) to black dye named "&0&lBlack" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fBlack"
          set slot 40 of (metadata "dye" of player) to barrier named "&4&lRESET COLOR" with lore "", "&7Click To &fRESET &7The Color", "&7Of Your Armor."
          open (metadata "dye" of player) to player
          send "&4&l%{@prefix}% >> You Must Be Holding A Leather Armor To Use This Command."
    # end gui
    # begin functioning
    on inventory click:
      if event-inventory = (metadata "dye" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 10:
          # WHITE DYE
          dye player's held item white
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 11:
          # RED DYE
          dye player's held item red
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 12:
          # ORANGE DYE
          dye player's held item orange
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 13:
          # YELLOW DYE
          dye player's held item yellow
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 14:
          # LIME DYE
          dye player's held item lime
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 15:
          # GREEN DYE
          dye player's held item green
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 16:
          # LIGHT BLUE DYE
          dye player's held item light blue
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 19:
          # CYAN DYE
          dye player's held item cyan
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 20:
          # BLUE DYE
          dye player's held item blue
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 21:
          # PINK DYE
          dye player's held item pink
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 22:
          # MAGENTA DYE
          dye player's held item magenta
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 23:
          # PURPLE DYE
          dye player's held item purple
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 24:
          # GRAY DYE
          dye player's held item gray
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 25:
          # LIGHT GRAY DYE
          dye player's held item light gray
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 28:
          # BLACK DYE
          dye player's held item black
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
        if index of event-slot is 40:
          dye player's held item brown
          close player's inventory
          send {@sucsmsg} to player
    # ----------- #
    # Made By Disvand
    # ----------- #

    Here Ya Go 😄
    Theres options at the top, change permission messages and stuff like that
    dont need to leave in the made by disvand part, no need to give credit 🙂

    @Punishdoing yours next, should only take me a few minutes, maybe 🙂


  4. On 1/21/2022 at 8:16 AM, Jessica907432 said:

    ik u posted this 11 hours ago but fun challlenge that id like u to expand on so ill keep it as vauge as possible


    a custom Pickaxe that can mine a ___ tunnel named &b&lDiamond Block Pickaxe but it also does _____  if you left click it

    and it sends you a message saying &b_____ when a block is mine with it 


    i dont get it?

  5. On 12/28/2021 at 9:06 AM, Patsteaks123 said:

    Please post this in marketplace and not in discussion

    ooowh that must've hurt a bit, yeah this is the right section i feel your pain i do that a lot

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