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Everything posted by Disvand

  1. I really dont need this, but for fun you can make a calculator in a gui, thats fully functional
  2. why do u have seconds after the variable?
  3. u moved to wrong category this isnt skript-
  4. set {guiclick} to index of event-slot
  5. he needs to remove the / on the console command, console commands dont use slashes
  6. dont necropost smh 3 week necro and 4 week necro
  7. function formatNumber(n: number) :: text: set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3" loop split {_data} at "|": set {_s::*} to split loop-value at "," {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%" return "%{_n}%" if u wanna add higher numbers like septillion, add "SP,24|" to the beginning of setting the data local variable. the number after the comma is how many 0's it has in itto format variables, instead of writing "%{variable::%player's uuid%}%" you write: "%formatNumber({variable::%player's uuid%})%"
  8. options: # SERVER PREFIX # This will show up on error messages # change whats in the quotations to your wanted prefix prefix: "&4&l[!]" # PERMISSION # This will change the permission of the command # change whats in the quotations to your required permission perm: "dye.command" # PERMISSION MESSAGE # This will change the message someone gets shown if they do the command without the given permission # change whats in the quotations to your wanted message permmsg: "&4&lYou Do Not Have The Required Permission For This Command." # SUCCESS MESSAGE # This will change the message shown when armor is dyed. # change whats in the quotations to your wanted success message sucsmsg: "&2&lSuccess! Dyed Your Armor." # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # begin gui command /dye: # REMOVE THE PERMISSION AND PERMISSION MESSAGE IF YOU WANT NO PERMISSION permission: {@perm} permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: if player's held item is leather armour: set (metadata "dye" of player) to chest inventory with 6 rows named "&5Dye" set slot integers between 0 and 53 of (metadata "dye" of player) to gray stained glass pane named "&7" set slot 10 of (metadata "dye" of player) to white dye named "&f&lWhite" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fWhite" set slot 11 of (metadata "dye" of player) to red dye named "&c&lRed" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fRed" set slot 12 of (metadata "dye" of player) to orange dye named "&6&lOrange" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fOrange" set slot 13 of (metadata "dye" of player) to yellow dye named "&e&lYellow" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fYellow" set slot 14 of (metadata "dye" of player) to lime dye named "&a&lLime" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLime" set slot 15 of (metadata "dye" of player) to green dye named "&2&lGreen" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fGreen" set slot 16 of (metadata "dye" of player) to light blue dye named "&b&lLight Blue" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLight Blue" set slot 19 of (metadata "dye" of player) to cyan dye named "&3&lCyan" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fCyan" set slot 20 of (metadata "dye" of player) to blue dye named "&9&lBlue" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fBlue" set slot 21 of (metadata "dye" of player) to pink dye named "&d&lPink" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fPink" set slot 22 of (metadata "dye" of player) to magenta dye named "&d&lMagenta" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fMagenta" set slot 23 of (metadata "dye" of player) to purple dye named "&5&lPurple" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fPurple" set slot 24 of (metadata "dye" of player) to gray dye named "&8&lGray" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fGray" set slot 25 of (metadata "dye" of player) to light gray dye named "&7&lLight Gray" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fLight Gray" set slot 28 of (metadata "dye" of player) to black dye named "&0&lBlack" with lore "", "&7Click To Dye Your Held", "&7Armor &fBlack" set slot 40 of (metadata "dye" of player) to barrier named "&4&lRESET COLOR" with lore "", "&7Click To &fRESET &7The Color", "&7Of Your Armor." open (metadata "dye" of player) to player else: send "&4&l%{@prefix}% >> You Must Be Holding A Leather Armor To Use This Command." # end gui # begin functioning on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata "dye" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 10: # WHITE DYE dye player's held item white close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 11: # RED DYE dye player's held item red close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 12: # ORANGE DYE dye player's held item orange close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 13: # YELLOW DYE dye player's held item yellow close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 14: # LIME DYE dye player's held item lime close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 15: # GREEN DYE dye player's held item green close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 16: # LIGHT BLUE DYE dye player's held item light blue close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 19: # CYAN DYE dye player's held item cyan close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 20: # BLUE DYE dye player's held item blue close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 21: # PINK DYE dye player's held item pink close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 22: # MAGENTA DYE dye player's held item magenta close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 23: # PURPLE DYE dye player's held item purple close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 24: # GRAY DYE dye player's held item gray close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 25: # LIGHT GRAY DYE dye player's held item light gray close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 28: # BLACK DYE dye player's held item black close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player if index of event-slot is 40: # RESETTING ARMOR DYE dye player's held item brown close player's inventory send {@sucsmsg} to player # END FUNCTIONING # ----------- # # Made By Disvand # ----------- # Here Ya Go Theres options at the top, change permission messages and stuff like that dont need to leave in the made by disvand part, no need to give credit @Punishdoing yours next, should only take me a few minutes, maybe
  9. nice skript, but please use the code editor: # example
  10. every 5 seconds in world "world": give player 1 beacon
  11. Hello im bored reply with skripts ill make some ty ill send em in comments when im done
  12. Disvand

    Random Items

    the guy necroposted to say "thanks!"
  13. ooowh that must've hurt a bit, yeah this is the right section i feel your pain i do that a lot
  14. What would betterhoes do? Like hoes in minecraft are simple but what would it do
  15. Is there any ideas I can skript for my first few market ideas? I need some ready before I come a market maker so I can post them straight away! NEED TO BE ORIGINAL. Can't already be on the market or else it's not original.
  16. Disvand

    still cant join

    Tell your friend to give you op, then go gmc quickly and fly up and set ur spawn somewhere
  17. Disvand


    This year, to save me from tearsI'll give it to someone special (special)
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