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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 35 minutes ago, BrightDarwin said:

    I have all my plugins in my installed section on the website but on the server and in the consol it does load most of them. some of them are working but the other arnt. ive tried restating and deleting the word cuz its a new one but it doesn work.

    also all of them are compatable with the version

    Make sure your plugin .jar files are in the right folder
    - Go to the file manager
    - Click on your plugins folder
    - Check that the .jars are there
    - If you haven't already, restart your server

  2. 1 hour ago, kiba said:

    i been trying to start up my server but when i do it saids unable to find service and then it saids the server status is in queue. how do i fix this?

    When servers are in queue, that means Minehut servers are at full capacity and that you're unable to start up your server until space opens up; you just need to be patient

  3. 1 hour ago, Hwenwy said:

    I want to switch to minehut as its easier to use mods and resource packs however when i try to move my world it gives me the error, Failed to extract file: unexpected end of file, I dont know what to do. It is a normal zip file and is much less than the 500mb limit i think people talk about.

    If you have a paid plan, then i suggest using your SFTP with something like FileZilla to upload your world

  4. 2 hours ago, angrysquash said:

    There is a server called dupekills by duckiepog but that is not it i was buying a rank called lord rank for 4.99 and it was a scam i didnt get it😵

    You can report the server at https://support.minehut.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, though i'd suggest you contact the server owner first, as well as check with your bank to make sure the purchase went through.

  5. 7 hours ago, angrysquash said:

    So i Removed a Friend Named ShadowPlanet164 Then When I Tryed To Friend Them It Doesnt Work It Says Cant Find Player I Wont Him Back😭

    ShadowPlanet164 has never been a valid name as far as NameMC is aware; you should double check and look through your client logs to make sure you inputted the name correctly.;

  6. 5 minutes ago, elliasD said:

    I am trying to join the lobby, by the ip, I've tried everything. Cleaned the ip, switched the data from one disk to another, gotten into the game files. Everyting. Can someone please help me? When I try to join it first sits on ''connecting to server'' then after a few seconds (maybe 10-20) it says ''Failed to connect to the server, server connectiong timed out; no more information''

    What is happening and how do i fix it?

    Please help me I've been trapped like this for months..

    Does this apply to other servers that aren't related to Minehut?
    And to make sure, you're using the IP minehut.com or something similar?

  7. 8 hours ago, Coding_Guy said:

    The data on my server can't save, no matter how hard I try. No variables are local. It's all meant to be saved. This server worked well a few weeks ago, but now since I upgraded my server plan, variables could not be saved. And I realized that everytime I close the server, skript seemed to have problems saving it's data (see attached image). So what I'm asking is, is there a skript save command? For me to maunaly (or in skript) to run that's saves all the variables? Thanks.image.thumb.png.952b77319571ee43e9e14eb2b8c9c64e.png

    I've had similiar issues before with many different problems causing it, try to check these things

    - Is your server out of storage?
       - You can check this in the "Stats" section of your Minehut panel
    - Could your script config file be corrupted?
    - If you're using HolographicDisplays, are there any holograms in invalid worlds?

    I'm able to provide more help if you provided log files and a plugin list

  8. 16 hours ago, Cooyboy9188 said:

    i am trying to make a instant break block skript but it cant understand condition on a if and it want it on a few blocks that states there on the skript. can any one help me fix it 

    on block damage:
        if player has permission "depp":
            if player is in region "build"
                 if block is "oak planks, oak slab, honey, oak fence, soul sand, glass pane, slime, trapdoor, packed ice, chain, brewing stand, candle, end rod, ladder, stone brick wall":
                    cancel event
                    set event-block to air

    - Skript cannot compare blocktypes with text
    - It should be 'honey block' instead of just 'honey' when describing the block
    - Region syntax isn't my best

    on block damage:
        if player has permission "depp":
            if "%region at player%" contains "build": # I don't use region syntax so this is the best I can do
                if event-block is oak planks, oak slab, honey block, oak fence, soul sand, glass pane, slime, trapdoor, packed ice, chain, brewing stand, candle, end rod, ladder or stone brick wall:
                    cancel event
                    set event-block to air


  9. 1 hour ago, Abogen said:

    Everything worked perfectly but it still didn't give me the key. Ill try and explain it a bit better. So I have a plugin Creates plus reloaded and I have created a Daily crate that you can open every 24 hours. and this command to give yourself a custom key to that crate /crate key Daily (Username) 1. The key can only be using on the daily crate, it is a custom item not a regular item in Minecraft (some sort of enchanted tripwire hook). So I need a script that can give me that crate key.


     execute console command "crates key give %player% daily 1" this script doesn't work but everything else in the code works for example, this code still works send "&aHere is your daily key.So there is only something wrong with the execute console command part of the script. Here is a link to the crates plus reloaded plugin with a list of all the commands https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/cratesplus-reloaded.95122/.


    Hopefully this explains it a bit more, as I am still at a loss for how this works.


    then its likely that the plugin itself is having issues, try something like this then:


    command /setdailykey:
    	permission: op
    		set {DailyKey} to player's held item
    		send "&eSet key!"
    command /daily:
    	cooldown: 1 day
    		give player {DailyKey}

    First give yourself the key, then use the command /setdailykey while holding that key

  10. 21 minutes ago, AbogenBoofHeadJr said:

    it just says theres an error in this line of code  execute console command "/crate key daily %player% 1"

    I ran your code through a parser, and it doesn't seem to give off any errors.
    I've redone your code a bit so try to use this


    command /daily:
        cooldown: 1 day
            make console execute command "crate key daily %player% 1"
            send "You have redeemed your Daily Crate Key%nL%Go to the Crate to redeem your Daily reward"


  11. 4 minutes ago, Kronav said:

    It still won't start after removing the old worldedit and installing fawe, and deleting and adding back the default world config file. What am i supposed to do?

    send your entire log files, this time follow the instructions to the letter:

    - go to minehut.com and login
    - select your server and click file manager
    - open the logs folder
    - click the empty check mark box by the latest.log file
    - click the download button at the bottom
    - attach the latest.log file in a message


  12. 20 minutes ago, Kronav said:

    Right-Clicking the latest log file is not working, so should i go into the log file, ctrl + a (select all) and then ctrl + c (copy to clipboard)?

    If so, https://pastebin.com/8x8XGwPq


    Here's what I am seeing in your logs file:

    [23:12:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Configurations] Loading a newer configuration than is supported (31 > 30)! You may have to backup & delete the world defaults config file to start the server.

    Follow those instructions; I also saw errors with your WorldEdit, you should try to either update it, switch to FAWE, or remove it

  13. 19 hours ago, Minechild003 said:

    when will new update for minehut be out



    if you're referring to 1.21 servers, PaperMC still needs to create a stable version to be implemented

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