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Posts posted by ES63

  1. On 10/7/2022 at 10:49 AM, MinehutBOT said:

    Hi There We Are The Same Rank In Minehut! Yay I Am Pro To Yes I Do Agree That The Forums Are Going Dead


    Have any questions? Feel free to ask!

    Joined: 8/4/2020
    PRO since: 17/7/2021

    Username: Chaoticthunder95
    My Discord Server: [Click Here]
    2WarNW Staff Applications [Click Here]

    can you not do that

    also i think thats against the rules

  2. you can use "aliases: (etc)"

    so like

    command /broadcast <text>:
    	aliases: bc, bcast
    	usage: &b&l[BROADCAST] &rPlease use /broadcast <text> instead of /broadcast.
    	permission: skript.broadcast
    	permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to broadcast a message!
    		broadcast "&b&lBROADCAST"
    		broadcast ""
    		broadcast "&6%argument 1%"

    oh and also you can put "broadcast colored "%arg-1%" instead of what you did 

    and also i (used to be a popular server owner HEHE RASCALPVP)

  3. On 9/25/2022 at 3:15 PM, Spxre said:

    I understand ad botting is an issue, but if my two accounts that got banned were actually looked into it would be hard to claim I'm using a bot. The explanation I got was that it is impossible for those accounts to be adding for 12 hours straight. Initially when I saw this I was confused because today I have not been awake for 12 hours. I realized they must have been talking about yesterday. This weekend there was massive update on the server I was advertising. So yeah I did ads for the most part ALL day yesterday.  0 bots. It was a saturday. This customer support agents claim that it is "impossible" to ad for that long is absurd. As a college student I spent a lot of time at my computer. So yes I was occasionally switching tabs throughout the day to ad. But even then the ads were sporadic and often I would switch the ads up. Probably these accounts wont get unbanned until the time is up. However I still urge you to seriously look into this in the future as you genuinely made a mistake by banning two legend ranks (which are very expensive). It is as simple as that, you messed up. 

    Make a ticket at https://minehut.com/support/form to get help

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