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Posts posted by TheCodingDuck_

  1. on load:
    	set {items::*} to all items
    	remove end portal frame from {items::*}
    	# remove the rest here
    on join:
    	while player is online:
    		if {randomItems::%player's uuid%} is true:
    			give player random element out of {items::*}
    		wait 5 seconds
    command /toggle:
    		set {randomItems::%player's uuid%} to true if {randomItems::%player's uuid%} is not true, else false


  2. Activate your server, click "console" in the bar at the top, then scroll down to "enter command" and type "op yourname" in that area


  3. Hey!

    If you make yourself an operator ("op") on your server, you can type /seed and get the server's seed!

    To make yourself an operator, go to your console and type "op yournamehere"

  4. This is not possible unless you do unsupported things with your server. To do this, you will have to set up an external server that the players vote for, which then tells your Minehut server that they voted and to give them the reward.


    Once again, this is UNSUPPORTED by Minehut, so you will have to figure it out yourself.

  5. There are several ways of getting credits if you need them.

    1. Voting: To vote you have to connect your Microsoft (Minecraft) account to your Minehut account, then type /vote in the hub and vote for Minehut

    2. Events: Minehut occasionally (last even was like a year ago but still) host events. In these events, the winners often get credits or ranks.

    3. Buying them: You can buy credits lol.


    Have you tried resetting the world? Updating to a NEWER version shouldn't cause issues, but if it does then resetting the world should help.

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