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Everything posted by King_Creeperz

  1. I will accept people who need help with skripts also I am a 3/10 skripter because my dev said that to me
  2. LUCKPERMS GUI Luckperms GUI is a skript where it is basically luckperms but in a GUI... HOW IT WORKS Luckperms GUI is a easy luckperms system using TuSKe GUIs to make one easy luckperms interface. Right now it is alpha so expect some bugs and enjoy the skript! DEPENDENICES This skript requires: Skript TuSKe Luckperms Vault (For Prefixes) DOWNLOAD Click on this LuckpermsGUI.sk to download the file it is 100% safe and I did not put any viruses in this file CONCLUSION I put in like 30 minutes into this skript... I hope it is good for your server and look for updates while you wait
  3. I am limited on plugins (12) and I don't know how to cancel a inventory click for a compass for a mode I am making. Bedwars Practice Plugins I have: Skript, SkQuery My code every 2 ticks: loop all players: if loop-player has compass: stop if loop-player is in "BedwarsPractice": give loop-player compass named "&a>> &e&lPractice Selector &a<<" with lore "&7Select a Bedwars Practice" on inventory click: if event-item is compass: cancel event on drop: if event-item is compass: cancel event
  4. Your mana is from {mana::%player%} this regens at 0.2 speed per tick. mana is in beta right now so expect it not to be finished yet.
  5. Google blocks these "sk" files now because they say "virus detected" on them. even though they aren't. maybe minehut make the download a bit safer for sk files. because they don't even work!
  6. NOTE: this is a beta build. not a full release. all the other weapons will come later. this can be used in magic servers like magic pvp servers or rpgs. but it is not my fault if your server gets destroyed by a fireball wand. you can disable it if you delete the code. This is the first release... and it took a bit of work to complete. it will help if you download my skript because it is worth it! __ __ _ __ __ | \/ | (_) \ \ / / | \ / | __ _ __ _ _ __\ \ /\ / /__ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ | |\/| |/ _` |/ _` | |/ __\ \/ \/ / _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __| | | | | (_| | (_| | | (__ \ /\ / __/ (_| | |_) | (_) | | | \__ \ |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_|\___| \/ \/ \___|\__,_| .__/ \___/|_| |_|___/ __/ | | | |___/ |_| MagicWeapons is a skript release by "King_Creeperz" where adds 15 types of magic weapons and mana (4 wands BETA) Dependences: Skript I really did this with just skript These are the magic weapons listed... - Fire Wand: (DANGEROUS) shoots fire balls. (10 MANA) (it will cause destruction) to disable it delete the code. - Ice Wand: shoots snowballs that do damage (10 MANA) - Magic Bow: shoots arrows but uses mana except arrows (20 MANA) (this isn't a wand but it is a magic weapon. this is magic weapons anyway...) - Launcher: launches you but alot of mana cost (100 MANA) - Coming soon... (this is beta anyway) This is the end of the overview, I promise there will be more in development soon. the next build will come out about 3-5 days (hypixel skyblock wizard tower days lol) I hope you enjoy this build! Version: 0.1.0 MagicWeapons.sk
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