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Everything posted by Practice

  1. There are some issues with the storage servers. The developers have stopped new servers from starting while they work on a fix.
  2. There are some issues with the storage servers. The developers have stopped new servers from starting while they work on a fix.
  3. Hey Matimus_prime, Can you be more specific? To change the the max player count follow the steps listed below: On the minehut panel, navigate to Settings -> Max Players. After changing the max player count, click Save. The Free Plan allows up to 10 players to join your server. To raise the Max Player Count, you have to Purchase a Plan.
  4. Practice

    World file

    Hey skyhawk06, To download a world run /dl world name (You must be OP'd to run this command)
  5. Hey Ron23456, On the checkout screen, click on Have a promocode?, type the discount code and click apply.
  6. Practice


    Hey noob12341234, Follow the steps listed below to remove the user's permissions and unban yourself. On the minehut panel, navigate to File Manager -> Open ops.json and delete all the text in the file. Type [], and click Save. Go back, find banned-ips.json and do the same thing. Finally, OP yourself and ban the user.
  7. Running the command /gamerule sendCommandFeedback true should fix the issue.
  8. Follow these steps to join minehut using bedrock. Bedrock support is in beta and may not always work.
  9. Try this on right click with iron sword: teleport player 10 meters in front of player damage all mobs in radius 20 around player by 1
  10. Practice

    Ban Appeal

    This isn't the right place to appeal your punishment. If you were banned from minehut head over to https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/3-player-appeals/ to create an appeal.
  11. If you have evidence, you can report them @ https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/1-player-reports/. Also, you should remove the slurs from your post.
  12. Practice

    it does not work

    it does not work
  13. No, it doesn't reset the world; it saves it and then stops the server.
  14. Go to the minehut panel (https://minehut.com/dashboard) > Start your server > Type /gamerule randomTickSpeed 3 in the console area (under Server Command) and click Send.
  15. Go to the minehut panel (https://minehut.com/dashboard) > Start your server > Type /minecraft:kill @e[type=item] in the console area (under Server Command) and click Send. Hope this helps you
  16. Run the command /worlds and click the world you want to teleport to. If you want to spawn in that world follow these steps: Go to the minehut panel (https://minehut.com/dashboard) > Click the Edit Server button > Go to the Settings tab > Type the name of the world under Level Name, click save and restart your server.
  17. Practice

    Can’t join

    I need the full logs. Start the server, wait until it's online and join. Wait 1 minute and send the logs
  18. Practice

    Can’t join

    Could you send the logs?
  19. Practice

    Getting Kicked

    That's probably an issue with your client. What is the crash message?
  20. Yes, you can use hacks on your own server.
  21. I think paper patched some of the dupes.
  22. What message do they get when they try to join?
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