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Posts posted by _Clout0son

  1. 19 hours ago, Checkmate128 said:
    on right click holding iron sword:
      name of player's tool is "&fAries Sword"
      if difference between now and {%player's uuid%.aresSword.lastUsed} is less than 5 seconds:
        message "&fWait 5 seconds before use again!" to player
        push player forwards at speed 2.0
        set {%player's uuid%.aresSword.lastUsed} to now

    This should work. Sorry I made a stupid error.

    Thanks it works! sorry for asking much but is there a way i can make it to where certain people like only ops can bypass the cooldown?

  2. 19 hours ago, Checkmate128 said:



    on right click holding iron sword:
      name of player's tool is "&fAries Sword":
      	if difference between now and {%player's uuid%.aresSword.lastUsed} is less than 5 seconds:
        	message "&fWait 5 seconds before use again!" to player
        	push player forwards at speed 2.0
            set {%player's uuid%.aresSword.lastUsed} to now

    I haven't tested it, but I think this should work. Also I recommend you use code blocks when asking questions in the future because this formatting looks better. 

    Let me know if it doesn't work.

    No it doesnt work sry

  3. Ive Been trying to add a Cooldown to this skript but its not working can someone help?

    ```on right click holding iron sword:
      name of player's tool is "&fAries Sword":
        push player forwards at speed 2.0
        cooldown: 5 seconds
        cooldown message: &fWait 5 seconds before Use again!```

  4. Can someone make me a Skript that makes it to where Instead of placing down Shulkers you can just look in the air and right click and it opens the menu without placing it?

  5. Hi ive been trying to make a /apply command for my server and idk how to add a 2nd command 1 for regular staff and 1 for Builder
    So far i have this 

    command /apply:
            send formatted "&dBoxxboxx &8» <link:https://bit.ly/3frUeDW>&dClick here to apply for Staff.<reset>"
            send formatted "&dBoxxboxx &8» <link:https://bit.ly/3wnjan3>&dClick here to apply for Builder.<reset>"


  6. Oh thank you for letting me know

    On 3/16/2021 at 2:16 PM, pop4959 said:

    It was disabled on accident for a few hours, which affected anyone who restarted their servers using the plugin during that time. My sincere apologies if this caused any inconvenience for you. Also thank you @_Tarna_ for bringing it to my attention such that it was quickly fixed.


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  7. Add back MineResetLite i cant find out how to use Nodemines and i already made 90% of my server using /mrl and now they dont work

    its really confusing cause when i use /nm create <Name> then it says to select a region but when i use my wand to select it it wont work


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