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Posts posted by Santio71

  1. When Minecraft tries to find a place to spawn mobs, it does it near a player, and in any dark space. You are able to change this in "bukkit.yml" in the File Manager by changing these values lower:

      monsters: xx
      animals: xx


  2. So, when you go camping you bring a tent with you, you take it draw a @ next to it and grab it, slam it on discord and spam it in DMs. (Putting this JUST in case: Don't actually do this...)

  3. 22 minutes ago, Migqy said:

    Minehut also has a render distance setting in Settings

    I did not know that, this makes it possible to increase the limit of which the server puts, allowing for players and mobs be able to be seen from afar

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  4. Make sure the command is correct, a lot of commands were changed in 1.13, if the command is correct try placing a command block with just "say a" within it and power it, if there's no output either command blocks are disabled or it's not being powered correctly

  5. I believe they change the argument distance to work differently. Try using this "execute @e[type=minecraft:endermite,name=Trap] run effect give @a[distance=..3] minecraft:slowness 1 1 true" without the quotation marks

  6. On 4/27/2020 at 8:24 PM, xMuel said:

    woah who is this new epic junior mod gamer

    I couldn't have worded a sentence better than this one

    Yes I know this is a late response 

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