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Posts posted by quick007

  1. On 8/4/2020 at 10:39 AM, MQXO said:

    hi yeah i would like a skript that, upon someone attempting to eat a golden apple, it gets eaten instantly, its probably an easy skript but i cant figure it out


    try this

    on right click:
    	player is holding golden apple
        remove 1 golden apple from the players inventory
        (add the effects of a golden apple here)


  2. On 8/4/2020 at 7:14 AM, unrespectful said:

    I'd like a skript that makes lava disabled. Simple

    Only way I can think of that is to check every block for lava... just use world guard if you don't want it to flow

  3. On 7/13/2020 at 4:57 PM, crimsoncranberry said:

    Hey I could really do with a shop skript. I need all the colours of wool and glass, wheat seeds melon seeds and pumpkin seeds cacti sugar cane A diamond spade hoe axe and pick axe Ice and blue ice water hoppers and finally chests, I’m so sorry to bug you.

    Hey. Instead of doing it for you, im gonna teach you (yay! fun lmao)

    First install skbee, skellet, and skquery (idk which ones you need, but thats what I use)

    Then, make smth like this:

    on command /shop:
    	aliases: /buy
    		wait 2 ticks
    		open chest with 6 rows named "&6Shop"
    		wait 2 ticks
    		loop integers between 0 and 54 - 1:
    			format slot loop-number of player with gray stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
    		format slot 0 of player with sunflower named "Text here" to be unstealable
    		format slot 3 of player with paper named "&a%{economy::bal::%player%}% &2Credits" to close then run ["command"]
    		format slot 5 of player with diamond pickaxe named "%{price::%player%}%" to be unstealable

    ur gonna need to do some functions and stuff to make stuff fully buyable, but that should be someone on the skunity forums/docs.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cactiminez said:
      Hide contents

    Could you make an aprartment skript? like making regions with flags in a GUI?


    Ummmmm.... World guard is not that hard to use, and a skript may just make it more annoying. (You an see how to here: https://worldguard.enginehub.org/en/latest/regions/) All you have to do is select 2 corners and /rg create <name>.

    Also, the area shop plugin allows players to buy, sell, rent, and more with some easy commands and a sign.

  5. Could you make me a custom enchants skript? (One where you can do /ench name number and it will automagically enchant it, but allow it to go to the 32 bit integer limit instead of just 4 or 5 or whatever it has normally.) Also, the picks should keep there previous enchants.

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