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Status Replies posted by notminehut

  1. My Server IS CRASHING


    1. notminehut


      Use the [support] category.

  2. Senior Support 😮

    1. notminehut


      Who would have thought?

  3. Thank you.

    For ruining my interest in minehut as a whole.

    And pushing me far away from my favorite game.

    And destroying my server me and my friends put over 20k manhours into.

    For real though, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

    1. notminehut


      The only time I've ever interacted with you is when I asked for your latest.log file to try and help you. I'm really sorry that you've decided to leave Minehut. 


      All the best, 

      - Adam.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I tried to join my friends server but it said I am not whitelisted. But my friends server has not even whitelist on rn


    1. notminehut


      Please use THIS section of the forum in future.

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