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Everything posted by rxd_4277

  1. Also does it possibly have Military airplanes?
  2. Looks good. Thanks can they add it?
  3. If this plugin is abandoned then maybe https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vehicles-no-resourcepacks-needed.12446/ I looked at the video and it looks legit.
  4. Yes. I am sure this works in 1.16.4. I will probably add Protocal support if it isn't 1.16.4 so I can use it on the version that it suggests only if.
  5. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/airplanes I need this plugin so I can do my military base and I'm making a city based roleplay that I need a military base and I don't have airplanes but this can give me them in order to do it.
  6. Do /gamerule keepinventory true
  7. rxd_4277

    False banned

    on chat: if {clan::%player's uuid%} is set: set chat format to "&7[&e%{level.%player's uuid%}%&7] &7[&d%{clan::%player's uuid%}%&7] &7%player's prefix%%player%%player's suffix%&8: &7%message%" on chat: if {clan::%player's uuid%} isn't set: set chat format to "&7[&e%{level.%player's uuid%}%&7] &7%player's prefix%%player%%player's suffix%&8: &7%message%" on join: if {level.%player's uuid%} is not set: set {level.%player's uuid%} to 0 command /setlevel <offline player> <number>: permission: staff.setlevel permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: set {level.%arg-1's uuid%} to arg-2 send "&a%player% &fhas set your level to &d%arg-2%&f." to arg 1 send "&fYou have set &a%arg-1%&f's level to &d%arg-2%&f." to player on death: victim is player: attacker is player: add 1 to {xp.%attacker's uuid%} send "&aYou have received 1 XP for killing &d%attacker%&a." to attacker on death: if {xp.%attacker's uuid%} >= 5: add 1 to {level.%attacker's uuid%} set {xp.%attacker's uuid%} to 0 send "&aCongratulations, you have leveled up!" to attacker on death: victim is player: attacker is player: add 1 to {kills.%attacker%} add 1 to {killstreak.%attacker%} add 1 to {deaths.%victim%} on respawn: teleport player to {spawn} command /spawnloc: trigger: if player is op: set {spawnloc} to player's location send "&aSet spawn loc to %player's location%&a." command /ekits: trigger: send "&aUse &7/kits &ato reddem a kit." command /kits: trigger: send "&aUse &7/kit &ato redeem a kit." command /essentials:kits: trigger: send "&aUse &7/kit &ato redeem a kit." command /essentials:ekits: trigger: send "&aUse &7/kit &ato redeem a kit." command /essentials:ekit: trigger: send "&aUse &7/kit &ato redeem a kit." command /essentials:kit: trigger: send "&aUse &7/kit &ato redeem a kit." on death: victim is player attacker is player if {killstreak.%attacker%} > {highestkillstreak.%attacker%}: set {killstreak.%attacker%} to {highestkillstreak.%attacker%} command /alert <text>: permission: alert.use permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command! trigger: broadcast "" broadcast "&4&lALERT &8| &f%colored arg-1%" broadcast "" command /sc <text>: permission: staffchat.use permission message: &cYou do not have access to use this command! trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staffchat.use": send "&8[&b&lS&3&lC&8] %player's prefix%&6%player%%player's suffix%&8: &e%colored arg-1%" to loop-player on chat: if message starts with "@": if player has permission "staffchat.use": replace first "@" with " " in message cancel event make player say "/sc %message%" command /trash: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with 4 rows named "&a&lDisposal" to player command /restartkitpvp: permission: op permission message: &cAccess Denied! trigger: broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &460 &cseconds!" wait 15 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &445 &cseconds!" wait 15 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &430 &cseconds!" wait 15 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &415 &cseconds!" wait 5 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &410 &cseconds!" wait 5 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &45 &cseconds!" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &44 &cseconds!" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &43 &cseconds!" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &42 &cseconds!" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&cServer will be restarting in &41 &cseconds!" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&4&l%player% &chas restarted the server!" execute console command "stop" command /clearchat: permission: clearchat.use permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions to use this command. aliases: cc, chatclear trigger: loop 500 times: broadcast " " broadcast "&b&lQuadPvP &8» &3Chat was cleared by %player%" command /addstaff <offline player>: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 has permission "staff": add arg-1 to {staff::*} else: if arg-1 does not have permission "staff": send "&cThat player must have the permission node 'staff'" on damage: projectile exists projectile is a snowball set {loc.%attacker%} to attacker's location set {loc.%victim%} to victim's location teleport attacker to {loc.%victim%} teleport victim to {loc.%attacker%} send "&dYou have been put on switcher ball cooldown for 3 seconds!" to attacker send "&aYou have switched places with &2%victim%&a." to attacker send "&cYou have been switched &4%attacker% &cas they hit you with a switcher ball!" to victim on damage: projectile exists projectile is a snowball add 3 to {switchcooldown.%attacker%} on damage: projectile exists projectile is a snowball named "&dSwitcher Ball" if {switchercooldown.%attacker%} >= 3: send "&dYou are currently on cooldown!" to attacker cancel event command /stafflist: trigger: send "&b&lStaff List: &9%{staff::*}%" on right-click: if player's tool is glowstone dust named "&aLauncher": push the player upwards at speed 3 remove glowstone dust from player's held item on right-click: if player's tool is ender pearl named "&9Quick Pearl": cancel event push the player forwards at speed 9 remove ender pearl from player's held item command /custombundle: permission: op trigger: give 16 ender pearl named "&9Quick Pearl" to player give 64 glowstone dust named "&aLauncher" to player give 16 snowball named "&dSwitcher Ball" to player give 64 arrow named "&bFast Bow" to player give 64 blaze rod named "&6Lightning Strike" to player give 16 egg named "&cSlowness Egg" to player give 64 sugar named "&eSpeed Boost" to player send "&aYou have received a bundle of all custom items!" on right-click: if player's held item is arrow named "&bFast Bow": make the player shoot an arrow at velocity 1 make the player shoot an arrow at velocity 2 make the player shoot an arrow at velocity 3 make the player shoot an arrow at velocity 4 make the player shoot an arrow at velocity 5 remove arrow from player's held item every 30 seconds: clear all arrows command /winqp <player>: permission: op trigger: give ender pearl named "&9Quick Pearl" to player on join: teleport player to {spawn} send "&aYou have been sent to KitPvP!" command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to player's location send "&aSpawn has been set to %{spawn}%" command /spawn: trigger: send "&aYou will be teleported to spawn in 5 seconds" wait 4 seconds send "&aTeleporting..." teleport player to {spawn} every second in "world": execute console command "loopallplayertospawn" command /loopallplayertospawn: permission: op trigger: loop all players: loop-player's world = "world" teleport loop-player to location(-71.45, 107, 127.38, world "kitpvp") send "&aYou have been sent to KitPvP." command /stats [<offline player>]: trigger: if arg is set: send "" send "&c %arg-1%&a's stats!" send "" send "&cKills: &a%{kills.%arg-1%}%" send "&cDeaths: &a%{deaths.%arg-1%}%" send "&cKillstreak: &a%{killstreak.%arg-1%}%" send "&cHighest Killstreak: &a%{highestkillstreak.%arg-1%}%" send "" else: send "" send "&c %player%&a's stats!" send "" send "&cKills: &a%{kills.%player%}%" send "&cDeaths: &a%{deaths.%player%}%" send "&cKillstreak: &a%{killstreak.%player%}%" send "&cHighest Killstreak: &a%{highestkillstreak.%player%}%" send "" command /report <player> <text>: usage: &c/report <player> <reason> trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staff.report": send " " to loop-player send "&4&l[REPORT] &c%arg-1% &fhas been reported by &a%player% &ffor the reason '&c%arg-2%'&f." to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&aYour report on &c%arg-1% &ahas been sent to all staff members!" to player on respawn: teleport player to {spawn} on death: set death message to "&c%victim% &fwas killed by &a%attacker% &9[%attacker's health%❤]" command /commandspy <text>: permission: staff.cspy permission message: &cNo perms. usage: &c/cspy (on/off) aliases: cspy trigger: if arg is "on": set {cspy.%player%} to true send "&aCommand spy has been enabled." else: if arg is "off": set {cspy.%player%} to false send "&cCommand spy has been disabled." on command: player's world = "kitpvp" loop all players: if {cspy.%loop-player%} is true: send "&a[CommandSpy] &d%sender% &fexecuted the command &f&n/%complete command%" to loop-player command /rules: trigger: send " " send "&b&l QuadPvP &3&lRules " send " " send "&d1. &6No Swearing." send "&d2. &6No Spamming." send "&d3. &6No excessive caps." send "&d4. &6No racism." send "&d5. &6No homophobia." send "&d6. &6No hacking." send "&d7. &6No advertising." send "&d8. &6No abusing glitches." send "&d9. &6Respect all players." send "" variables: {suggestion.%player%} = " " {suggestion.last.%player%} = " " {suggestions.list::*} = "&dNo suggestions have been made yet, be the first!" command /suggestion [<string>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "help": send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &a/suggestion help &f- Brings up this help list!" to player send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &a/suggestion list &f- Brings up all suggestions!" to player send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &a/suggestion <suggestion> &f- Add a new suggestion!" to player else if arg-1 is "list": send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] %{suggestions.list::*}%" to player else if arg-1 is "clear-all": if player is op: send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &aYou have successfully reset all suggestions!" to player clear {suggestions.list::*} wait 3 ticks add "&dNo suggestions have been made yet, be the first!" to {suggestions.list::*} else: send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &cYou do not have permission to use this command!" to player else: if {suggestions.list::*} contains "&5%player%: &d%arg-1%": send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &cThis suggestion has aleady been made!" to player else: remove "&dNo suggestions have been made yet, be the first!" from {suggestions.list::*} remove "&5%player%: &d%{suggestion.last.%player%}%" from {suggestions.list::*} wait 3 ticks set {suggestion.%player%} to arg-1 set {suggestion.last.%player%} to arg-1 add "&5%player%: &d%arg-1%" to {suggestions.list::*} send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &aYou have successfully created a new suggestion!" to player send "&f[&5Suggestions&f] &cSending another suggestion will delete your old one!" to player else: make player execute "/suggestion help" command /tps: trigger: send "" send "&8[&b&lTPS&8] &aCurrent TPS: &e%tps%" send "" every 300 seconds: broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 5 minutes" wait 4 minutes broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 60 seconds." wait 15 seconds broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 45 seconds." wait 15 seconds broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 30 seconds." wait 15 seconds broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 15 seconds." wait 5 seconds broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 10 seconds." wait 5 seconds broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items will be cleared in 5 seconds." wait 1 seconds broadcast "&8[&3CLEARLAG&8] &aAll ground items have been cleared." clear all entities command /sudo <text>: permission: op trigger: execute console command "esudo * c:%arg-1%" broadcast "&a%player% &asudo'd everyone." on join: set tab header to "&b&lQuad&3&lPvP &8| &6KitPvP" and footer to "&aQuadPvP.minehut.gg" for player on chat: if message contains "nigger" or "nigga" or "niggas" or "niggers": execute console command "/mute %player% Racism 1 hour" wait 1 seconds execute console command "cc" on respawn: clear player's inventory give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron boots of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron sword of sharpness 2 and unbreaking 2 named "&aKitPvP" to player give 64 steak named "&aKitPvP" to player give fishing rod of unbreaking 3 named "&aKitPvP" to player give bow of power 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give 8 golden apple named "&aKitPvP" to player give 32 arrow named "&aKitPvP" to player command /discord: trigger: send "" send " &7[&a&lDISCORD&7]&d<link:https://discord.gg/kduszNm> Click Here to join the discord!" send "" on damage: if attacker's held item is blaze rod named "&6Lightning Strike": strike lightning effect at the victim strike lightning effect at the victim strike lightning effect at the victim strike lightning effect at the victim strike lightning effect at the victim strike lightning effect at the victim damage victim by 4 hearts remove 1 blaze rod from attacker's held item send "&aYou have hit %victim%&a with a Lightning Strike." to attacker send "&cYou was hit with a Lightning Strike by &4%attacker%&c." to victim on join: teleport player to {spawn} command /suicide: trigger: send "&aYou committed suicide :/" execute console command "kill %player%" every 7 minutes: broadcast "" broadcast "&dJoin our discord today! &ahttps://discord.gg/kduszNm" broadcast "" every 3 minutes: broadcast "" broadcast "&aWant to store any items? &aUse /ec!" broadcast "" on command "stats": cancel event send "&cThis command is currently broken." on damage: projectile exists projectile is a egg named "&cSlowness Egg" remove slowness from the victim apply slowness 2 to victim for 5 seconds send "&cYou have received &4Slowness 2 &cfor &45 seconds&c as &4%attacker% &chit you with a slowness egg." to victim send "&aYou have hit &2%victim% &awith a slowness egg&a." to attacker on rightclick on oak sign: clear player's inventory set player's helmet to iron helmet of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" set player's chestplate to iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" set player's leggings to iron leggings of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" set player's boots to iron boots of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" set slot 0 of player's inventory to iron sword of sharpness 2 and unbreaking 2 named "&aKitPvP" set slot 8 of player's inventory to 64 steak named "&aKitPvP" set slot 1 of player's inventory to fishing rod of unbreaking 3 named "&aKitPvP" set slot 2 of player's inventory to bow of power 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&aKitPvP" set slot 3 of player's inventory to 8 golden apple named "&aKitPvP" set slot 9 of player's inventory to 32 arrow named "&aKitPvP" send title "&cKit Reset!" to player on load: loop all players: send " &c&lWe are reloading a skript file." to loop-player send " &7&oYou may encounter lag." to loop-player on drop: if event-item is golden apple: cancel event send "&cYou can't drop this item." to player on first join: clear player's inventory give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron boots of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron sword of sharpness 2 and unbreaking 2 named "&aKitPvP" to player give 64 steak named "&aKitPvP" to player give fishing rod of unbreaking 3 named "&aKitPvP" to player give bow of power 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give 8 golden apple named "&aKitPvP" to player give 32 arrow named "&aKitPvP" to player command /kit <text>: usage: &aAvailable Kits: &fPvP &7(Receiving a kit will clear your inventory) trigger: if arg is "pvp": clear player's inventory give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron boots of protection 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give iron sword of sharpness 2 and unbreaking 2 named "&aKitPvP" to player give 64 steak named "&aKitPvP" to player give fishing rod of unbreaking 3 named "&aKitPvP" to player give bow of power 1 and unbreaking 1 named "&aKitPvP" to player give 8 golden apple named "&aKitPvP" to player give 32 arrow named "&aKitPvP" to player command /findplayer <player>: permission: op permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: send "&c%arg-1%&a's location: &d%arg-1's location%" to player command /info <offline player>: permission: op trigger: send "&7%arg-1%&7's uuid: &a%arg-1's uuid%" to player send "&7%arg-1%&7's &7ip (masked): &a%arg-1's ip%" to player send "&7%arg-1%&7's ping: &a%arg-1's ping%&ams" to player command /mutechat: permission: mutechat.use trigger: if {mutechat} is false: set {mutechat} to true broadcast "&b&lQuadPvP &8| &cChat has been muted by %player%" else: set {mutechat} to false broadcast "&b&lQuadPvP &8| &aChat has been unmuted by %player%" on chat: if player does not have permission "mutechat.bypass": if {mutechat} is true: cancel event send "&cThe chat is currently muted." on right-click: if player's held item is sugar named "&eSpeed Boost": remove swiftness from the player apply swiftness 1 to player for 7 seconds remove 1 sugar from player's tool send "&aYou have received &2Speed 1 &afor &27 seconds &aby using a &eSpeed Boost&a." to player command /minecraft:me <text>: usage: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: send "&cYou do not have access to this command." on death: give 3 golden apple named "&aKitPvP" to attacker add 1 to {newkillstreak.%attacker%} set {newkillstreak.%victim%} to 0 on death: if {newkillstreak.%attacker%} = 3: give enchanted golden apple named "&aKitPvP" to attacker broadcast " " broadcast "&c%attacker% &ahas received 1 enchanted golden apple as they are on a &23 killstreak&a! " broadcast " " on death: if {newkillstreak.%attacker%} = 7: execute console command "givekey %attacker% Gadget" broadcast " " broadcast "&c%attacker% &ahas received 1x &e&lGadget Key &aas they are on a &27 killstreak&a! " broadcast " " on command: if command contains "troll": kick player because "&cLet's not troll." command /plugins: trigger: open virtual chest with 5 rows named "&d&oQuadPvP Plugins" to player format gui slot 44 times of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 22 of player with shiny paper named " &7&lPLUGIN LIST" with lore " " and " &d&l* &a&oBackToTheRoots" and " &d&l* &a&oEssentials" and " &d&l* &a&oLuckPerms" and " &d&l* &a&oMultiverse-Core" and " &d&l* &a&oSkBee" and " &d&l* &a&oskRayFall*" and " &d&l* &a&oSkript" and " &d&l* &a&oTuSKe*" and " &d&l* &a&oPlayerServer" and " &d&l* &a&oVault" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldEdit" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldGuard" and " " and " &7&oWe have a total " and " &7of &7&o&n&l12&7&o plugins installed. " and " " command /pl: trigger: open virtual chest with 5 rows named "&d&oQuadPvP Plugins" to player format gui slot 44 times of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 22 of player with shiny paper named " &7&lPLUGIN LIST" with lore " " and " &d&l* &a&oBackToTheRoots" and " &d&l* &a&oEssentials" and " &d&l* &a&oLuckPerms" and " &d&l* &a&oMultiverse-Core" and " &d&l* &a&oSkBee" and " &d&l* &a&oskRayFall*" and " &d&l* &a&oSkript" and " &d&l* &a&oTuSKe*" and " &d&l* &a&oPlayerServer" and " &d&l* &a&oVault" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldEdit" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldGuard" and " " and " &7&oWe have a total " and " &7of &7&o&n&l12&7&o plugins installed. " and " " command /bukkit:plugins: trigger: open virtual chest with 5 rows named "&d&oQuadPvP Plugins" to player format gui slot 44 times of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 22 of player with shiny paper named " &7&lPLUGIN LIST" with lore " " and " &d&l* &a&oBackToTheRoots" and " &d&l* &a&oEssentials" and " &d&l* &a&oLuckPerms" and " &d&l* &a&oMultiverse-Core" and " &d&l* &a&oSkBee" and " &d&l* &a&oskRayFall*" and " &d&l* &a&oSkript" and " &d&l* &a&oTuSKe*" and " &d&l* &a&oPlayerServer" and " &d&l* &a&oVault" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldEdit" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldGuard" and " " and " &7&oWe have a total " and " &7of &7&o&n&l12&7&o plugins installed. " and " " command /bukkit:pl: trigger: open virtual chest with 5 rows named "&d&oQuadPvP Plugins" to player format gui slot 44 times of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 22 of player with shiny paper named " &7&lPLUGIN LIST" with lore " " and " &d&l* &a&oBackToTheRoots" and " &d&l* &a&oEssentials" and " &d&l* &a&oLuckPerms" and " &d&l* &a&oMultiverse-Core" and " &d&l* &a&oSkBee" and " &d&l* &a&oskRayFall*" and " &d&l* &a&oSkript" and " &d&l* &a&oTuSKe*" and " &d&l* &a&oPlayerServer" and " &d&l* &a&oVault" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldEdit" and " &d&l* &a&oWorldGuard" and " " and " &7&oWe have a total " and " &7of &7&o&n&l12&7&o plugins installed. " and " " on break: player's gamemode = survival cancel event send "&cYou are unable to break blocks here." on place: player's gamemode = survival cancel event send "&cYou are unable to place blocks here." on right-click: event-block = oak trapdoor player's gamemode = survival cancel event send "&cYou are unable to use this." on right-click: event-block = jukebox player's gamemode = survival cancel event send "&cYou are unable to use this." on region enter: player has permission "op" send title "&d&lREGION ENTERED" with subtitle "&a&o%region%" for 2 seconds on region leave: player has permission "op" send title "&d&lREGION LEFT" with subtitle "&a&o%region%" for 2 seconds command /ci: trigger: open virtual chest with 3 rows named "&c&oConfirm" to player format gui slot 26 times of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 13 of player with shiny redstone block named "&4&lCONFIRM" with lore " " and "&c&lTHIS WILL CLEAR YOUR INVENTORY! " and " " to run player command "/ciconfirm" command /clear: trigger: open virtual chest with 3 rows named "&c&oConfirm" to player format gui slot 26 times of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " format gui slot 13 of player with shiny redstone block named "&4&lCONFIRM" with lore " " and "&c&lTHIS WILL CLEAR YOUR INVENTORY! " and " " to run player command "/ciconfirm" command /ciconfirm: trigger: clear player's inventory send "&aYour inventory has been cleared." on right-click on player: player's gamemode = creative player has permission "op" execute player command "invsee %clicked entity%" on join: add player to {online::*} on quit: remove player from {online::*} command /online: usage: /online trigger: send "&aCurrent online player&7 (%amount of online players%&7): &f%{online::*}%" command /list: usage: /list trigger: send "&aCurrent online player&7 (%amount of online players%&7): &f%{online::*}%" every 1 hour in "kitpvp": broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 1 hour!" broadcast "" wait 15 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 45 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 15 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 30 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 15 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 15 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 5 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 10 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 5 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 5 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 2 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 3 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 1 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 2 minutes!" broadcast "" wait 1 minutes broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 1 minute!" broadcast "" wait 15 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 45 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 15 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 30 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 15 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 15 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 5 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 10 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 5 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 5 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 1 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 4 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 1 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 3 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 1 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 2 seconds!" broadcast "" wait 1 seconds broadcast "" broadcast "&e&lKEY ALL &8| &aThere will be a Gadget Keyall in 1 second!" broadcast "" wait 1 seconds execute console command "keyall Gadget" on first join: broadcast "&a&lNew Player &8| &7Welcome to &b&lQuad&3&lPvP&7, &a%player% &7we hope you enjoy the server!" on right-click: if event-block is dragon egg: cancel event send "&cYou are unable to %event-block%&c." on damage: projectile is arrow send "&a&l%victim%&a's health: &d%victim's health%&c❤" to attacker on walk on lime wool: execute player command "top" command /vanish [<offlineplayer>]: permission: skript.vanish permission: message: &4-> &cPermission denied!. trigger: if arg is not set: if {vanish.%player%} is true: set {vanish.%player%} to false send "&4-> &cYour vanish has been disabled." reveal player from all players else: set {vanish.%player%} to true send "&2-> &2Your vanish has been enabled." loop all players: if loop-player does not have permission "skript.vanish": hide player from loop-player else: if offlineplayer-arg is "%player%": make player execute "/vanish" else: if offlineplayer-arg is online: if {vanish.%offlineplayer-arg%} is true: set {vanish.%offlineplayer-arg%} to false send "&4Your vanish was enabled by &2%player%&a." to arg-1 loop all players: if loop-player does not have permission "skript.vanish": hide offlineplayer-arg from loop-player else: send "&4-> &cPlayer offline." command /v [<text>]: trigger: if arg is not set: make player execute "/vanish" else: make player execute "/vanish %arg%" every second: loop all players: if {vanish.%loop-player%} is true: set loop-player's action bar to "&4-> &cYou are now invisible to all players besides staff! &4<-" on join: if player does not have permission "skript.vanish": loop all players: if {vanish.%loop-player%} is true: hide loop-player from player options: P: &8[&3CLANS&8]&f Version: "1.3.1" on script load: if {clan::names::*} is not set: add "" to {clan::names::*} command /clan [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: aliases: c, clans trigger: if arg-1 is "create": if {clan::%player's uuid%} is not set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: send "{@P} Clan names can only be one word." stop if arg-2 contains "-" or "_" or "." or ";" or ":" or "@" or "," or "/" or "!": send "{@P} Illegal character in your clan name." stop else if {clan::names::*} does not contain arg-2: set {clan::%executor's uuid%} to arg-2 add arg-2 to {clan::names::*} set {clan::owner::%arg-2%} to "%executor%" add "%executor%" to {clan::admins::%arg-2%::*} set {clan::coins::%arg-2%} to 0 add "%executor%" to {clan::memberlist::%arg-2%::*} add 1 to {clan::members::%arg-2%} send "{@P} Clan &6%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%&f created." else: send "{@P} This clan name is taken." else: send "{@P} Enter a clan name." else: send "{@P} You're already in a clan." else if arg-1 is "info": if arg-2 is not set: if {clan::%player's uuid%} is set: send "{@P} Clan &6%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%&f information." send "&7> &cOwner: &f%{clan::owner::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%}%" send "&7> &cAdmins: &f%{clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*}%" send "" send "&7> &cMembers: &f%{clan::members::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%}%" send "&7> &cMember List: &f%{clan::memberlist::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*}%" else: send "{@P} You're not in a clan." else: set {_player} to (arg-2 parsed as player) set {_uuid} to {_player}'s uuid if {clan::%{_uuid}%} is set: send "{@P} Player&6 %{_player}%&f's clan information." send "&7> &cName: &f%{clan::%{_uuid}%}%" send "&7> &cOwner: &f%{clan::owner::%{clan::%{_uuid}%}%}%" send "" send "&7> &cMembers: &f%{clan::members::%{clan::%{_uuid}%}%}%" else: send "{@P} &6%{_player}%&f is not in a clan." else if arg-1 is "delete": if {clan::%executor's uuid%} is set: if {clan::owner::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%} = executor: send "{@P} Clan &6%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%&f deleted." remove {clan::%executor's uuid%} from {clan::names::*} delete {clan::owner::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%} delete {clan::coins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%} delete {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} delete {clan::members::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%} loop {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*}: set {_player} to loop-value parsed as player set {_uuid} to {_player}'s uuid delete {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} wait 3 ticks delete {clan::%{_uuid}%} else: send "{@P} Only the clan owner can delete the clan." else: send "{@P} You are not in a clan." else if arg-1 is "invite": if {clan::%player's uuid%} is set: if {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} contains executor: set {_player} to (arg-2 parsed as player) set {_uuid} to {_player}'s uuid if arg-2 is set: if {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} does not contain {_player}: set {clans::request::%{_uuid}%} to {clan::%executor's uuid%} send "{@P} Invited &6%arg-2%&f to the clan." to executor send "{@P} You have been invited to join &6%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%&f by &6%executor%&f." to {_player} loop {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*}: send "{@P} &6%arg-2%&f has been invited to join the clan by &6%executor%&f." to loop-value parsed as player else if: send "{@P} This player is already in your clan." else: send "{@P} Enter a player." else: send "{@P} Only admins can invite players to a clan." else: send "{@P} You are not in a clan." else if arg-1 is "join": if {clan::%executor's uuid%} is not set: if {clans::request::%executor's uuid%} is set: set {clan::%executor's uuid%} to {clans::request::%executor's uuid%} add 1 to {clan::members::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%} add "%executor%" to {clan::memberlist::%{clans::request::%executor's uuid%}%::*} send "{@P} You have joined &6%{clans::request::%executor's uuid%}%&f." loop {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*}: send "{@P} &6%executor%&f has joined the clan." to loop-value parsed as player wait 3 ticks delete {clans::request::%executor's uuid%} else: send "{@P} You have no pending requests." else: send "{@P} You are already in a clan." else if arg-1 is "promote": if {clan::%executor's uuid%} is set: if {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} contains executor: set {_player} to (arg-2 parsed as player) set {_uuid} to {_player}'s uuid if {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} does not contain {_player}: if arg-2 is set: add "%{_player}%" to {clan::admins::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*} loop {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*}: send "{@P} &6%{_player}%&f has been made an admin in the clan." to loop-value parsed as player else: send "{@P} Enter a player." else: send "{@P} This player is already an admin." else if arg-1 is "demote": if {clan::%executor's uuid%} is set: if arg-2 is set: if {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} contains executor: set {_player} to (arg-2 parsed as player) set {_uuid} to {_player}'s uuid if {clan::owner::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%} is not {_player}: if {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} contains {_player}: remove "%{_player}%" from {clan::admins::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*} loop {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*}: send "{@P} &6%{_player}%&f has been demoted in the clan." to loop-value parsed as player else: send "{@P} This player is not an admin." else: send "{@P} You can not demote the owner." else: send "{@P} Only admins can make another player admin." else: send "{@P} Enter a player." else: send "{@P} You're not in a clan." else if arg-1 is "kick": if {clan::%executor's uuid%} is set: if arg-2 is set: if {clan::admins::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} contains executor: set {_player} to (arg-2 parsed as offline player) set {_uuid} to {_player}'s uuid if {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%player's uuid%}%::*} contains {_player}: loop {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*}: send "{@P} &6%{_player}%&f has been kicked from the clan." to loop-value parsed as player remove "%{_player}%" from {clan::admins::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*} remove "%{_player}%" from {clan::memberlist::%{clan::%executor's uuid%}%::*} What's wrong with the skript that won't let me set spawn at the exact location I want?
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