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About gabinun

  • Birthday 07/24/2003

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  1. its harder to hit the tab button than the space button
  2. on load: delete {chatReaction} delete {chatReactionTime} command chatreaction [<string>] [<string>]: trigger: player has permission "skript.chatreaction": arg 1 is set: arg 1 is "add": arg 2 is set: {chatReaction::*} doesn't contain arg 2: add arg 2 to {chatReaction::*} send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been added to chat reactions!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fis already a chat reaction!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a chat reaction to add!" else if arg 1 is "remove": arg 2 is set: {chatReaction::*} contains arg 2: remove arg 2 from {chatReaction::*} send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been removed from chat reactions!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fisn't a chat reaction!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a chat reaction to add!" else if arg 1 is "list": loop {chatReaction::*}: send "&f%loop-iteration%: &e%loop-value%" else if arg 1 is "time": if arg 2 is set: set {_time} to arg 2 parsed as integer {_time} is set: {_time} <= 60: {_time} > 0: set {chatReactionTimeLimit} to {_time} send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Chat reaction time limit is now &e&l%{_time}%&f seconds!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ That is not a valid time limit (in seconds)!" else: send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a time limit in seconds!" else: send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and "" else: send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and "" every 10 minutes: set {_size} to size of {chatReaction::*} set {_i} to random integer between 1 and {_size} set {chatReaction} to {chatReaction::%{_i}%} set {_reaction::*} to split "%{chatReaction}%" at " " loop {_reaction::*}: set {_x} to 1 loop (length of loop-value) times: add (character at {_x} in "%loop-value-1%") to {_chars::*} add 1 to {_x} loop (size of {_chars::*}) times: set {_char} to random element out of {_chars::*} remove {_char} from {_chars::*} add "%{_char}%" to {_joinString::*} set {_word} to join {_joinString::*} by "" in lowercase add "%{_word}%" to {_words::*} delete {_joinString::*} set {_reaction} to join {_words::*} by " " broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Unscramble &e&l%{_reaction}% &fwithin %{chatReactionTimeLimit}% seconds for a reward!" set {_loop} to {chatReactionTimeLimit} * 20 loop {_loop} times: {chatReaction} is set: wait 1 tick add 0.05 to {chatReactionTime} else: exit loop {chatReaction} is set: broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ No one was able to unscramble &e&l%{chatReaction}% &f:(" delete {chatReaction} delete {chatReactionTime} on chat: {chatReaction} is set message contain "%{chatReaction}%" broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%player% &funscrambled &e&l%{chatReaction}% &fin &e&l%{chatReactionTime}% &fseconds!" delete {chatReaction} elete {chatReactionTime}
  3. windows+i > network and internet > ethernet > change adapter options > the internet you're using > left-click on it > on the top, click view status of this connection > then it will open a menu, and click "details" and then you will see it.
  4. gabinun

    Item Limit

    i cant really understand you want to spawn it every 10 tick but make it so if there is 3 of them spawned it well spawn another one? also this is better every 10 ticks: {summon} is enabled drop {boost::gen} of sand at location(27.5, -57, 2.5, world "testworld") without velocity drop {boost::gen} of stone at location(17.5, -55, -32.5, world "testworld") without velocity drop {boost::gen} of iron ingots at location(-37.5, -47, -20.5, world "testworld") without velocity so you want there to be only 1 {boost::gen} at 1 loaction at all time?
  5. on pickup of arrow: cancel event
  6. gabinun

    viaversion 5.04

    It won't help since Minehut automatically installed ViaVersion 5.03, so no matter what I do—like adding ViaVersion 5.05 and deleting 5.03 it will reinstall 5.03 again. There's nothing I can do about it. You clearly don't have any experience making a server and should probably read what I post next time You also cannot download the latest version of ViaVersion from Spigot since it hasn't been updated.
  7. You can't add a modpack to the server files because you can only add plugins there. A modpack is just a collection of mods, and mods are for players, not servers.
  8. gabinun

    viaversion 5.04

    How can I update to ViaVersion 5.04 if Minehut automatically adds ViaVersion 5.03
  9. if you dont ned help anymore you should probaly take down the post also this is better on chat: player is operator: {equippedtagname::%uuid of player%} is set: {clanchat::%uuid of player%} is not set: set chat format to "&8[&DⓇ%formatNumber({rebirth::%Uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&bⓅ%formatNumber({prestiges::%uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&AⓁ%formatNumber({level::%uuid of player%})%&8] &8[%{equippedtagname::%uuid of player%}%&8] &C&lOWNER &r&c%player%&8: &r%coloured message%" else: set chat format to "&8[&DⓇ%formatNumber({rebirth::%Uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&bⓅ%formatNumber({prestiges::%uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&AⓁ%formatNumber({level::%uuid of player%})%&8] &C&lOWNER &r&c%player%&8: &r%coloured message%" else: player isn't operator: {equippedtagname::%uuid of player%} is set: {Clanchat::%uuid of player%} is not set: set chat format to "&8[&DⓇ%formatNumber({rebirth::%Uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&bⓅ%formatNumber({prestiges::%uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&AⓁ%formatNumber({level::%uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&8[%{equippedtagname::%uuid of player%}%&8] &7%player% &8: &7%message%" else: set the chat format to "&8[&DⓇ%formatNumber({rebirth::%Uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&bⓅ%formatNumber({prestiges::%uuid of player%})%&8] &8[&AⓁ%formatNumber({level::%uuid of player%})%&8] &7%player%&8: &7%message%"
  10. I don't think this is a good way of making fortune, and I will not be trying to make a Skript for fortune. If you want an autopickup with fortune, getting the plugin is the best choice.
  11. you should search up what minecraft plugins are
  12. The issue is that you're storing the drops in the list {blocks::*} but not resetting it before each break event, leading to it retaining only the first block's drops. You need to clear {blocks::*} at the beginning of the event handler. Here’s the corrected script: on break: clear {blocks::*} player's tool is enchanted with multishot 1 add drops of event-block to {blocks::*} clear drops loop {blocks::*}: give loop-value to player give loop-value to player stop
  13. first remove the plugins that are in red [that wont help second why not use skript? you have it already and command blocks are really bad at this
  14. every 1 second: loop all players: set {_online} to number of all players wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&a&lTheRealBoxx" set score "&7&m-------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score " &3&lPLAYER &7> %loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 4 set score " &6&lONLINE PLAYERS &7> %{_online}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3 set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 2 set score "&a&lBlocks mined: {block%player%}" in sidebar of loop-player to 1 set score "&bTheRealBoxx.minehut.gg" in sidebar of loop-player to 0 on break: add 1 to {block%player%}
  15. Here's the updated version without the code box: This is a chat filter that prevents players from using special characters that are not on a typical keyboard. It also blocks double quotes (") and hyphens (-), and (]). The filter applies to non-OP players. on chat: player is not op message does not match "^[&a-zA-Z0-9&?!@#$^+\-_=~`':;/()|{}<>., ]$" cancel event send "&cYou cannot say %message%" i cant unblock ", -, and [ because skript wont let me
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