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Everything posted by NobodyYT

  1. Full credits of the skript to HugeAdventure all I did was change a grammar issue and made it so any player can use it command weeklyvip: send title "&bWeekly VIP" with subtitle "&aLets go" to %player% set {weeklyvip::%arg-1%} to 7 execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set vip" every 24 hours: loop all players: if {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} is set: remove 1 from {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} if {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} = 0: delete {weeklyvip::%loop-player%} execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent clear"
  2. Basically when you right click with a honey comb named "&6&lTOKEN POUCH" it gives you a random amount of tokens with all the flags currently below 1-5 and removes it from your inventory. This is what I have so far anything in brackets is what I don't know what to do. Thanks in advance! on right click: if player is holding honeycomb named "&6&lTOKEN POUCH" with lore "&e&l1 - 5 Tokens" give [random 1-5 of sunflower named "&6&lTOKEN" with nbt hide attributes, hide dye, hide enchants, hide potion effects, and hide unbreakable] to player remove 1 honeycomb named "&6&lTOKEN POUCH" with lore "&e&l1 - 5 Tokens"
  3. How would I make this instead of giving the player cobblestone it gives the player a player head? on pickup: if player's inventory contains 32 plain cobblestone: remove 32 plain cobblestone from player's inventory give player shiny cobblestone named "&eCompacted Cobblestone"
  4. So how would I do that like make another skript?
  5. So I have a skript and I don't know how to make it give you player heads would anyone know how to do that? on pickup: if player's inventory contains 32 plain cobblestone: remove 32 plain cobblestone from player's inventory give player shiny cobblestone named "&eCompacted Cobblestone"
  6. Basically you have an item and when you have the item in your inventory it automatically compresses things into a certain player head?
  7. NobodyYT


    Sorry for not responding ruby but I found out how to but thank you! -Raku
  8. NobodyYT


    Would anybody be willing to make me a skript for an aspect of the end?
  9. So I was making a skript and didn't know how to make a player teleport to the block they are looking at. I dont use the worldedit compass because it teleport's me through walls. so if anyone knows how to fix my tp wand skript could you help? This is what I have so far.
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