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funyy6666 last won the day on August 15

funyy6666 had the most liked content!

About funyy6666

  • Birthday 09/17/2004

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  1. Hello DirtPickaxe! Hopefully this helps: If it says you are versions behind, try deleting "PaperMC" and redownloading a more recent version. If this does not work let me know and I will try to help you further!
  2. Turning off the end is very simple! All you have to do is go to your server files, and scroll down until you see "world_the_end" and simply delete that! BUT! Before you do it, make a backup just in case it doesn't work. If deleting "world_the_end" doesn't work let me know and I will look further into it! Hope this helped!
  3. funyy6666

    LPC Bug

    Check to see if the version is correct. I had this problem on one of my servers. In-game, do "/plugins" this will show a list of plugins. If a plugin is green it means it is working and the version matches your server, but if it's red that means it is not working or outdated. LPC is red try getting an updated version!
  4. funyy6666


    Good to hear!
  5. ._. ... ... ... Well at least you brought games! Which games did you bring?
  6. ? Is everything ok? Of course it is this is a party! The cakes I brought are chocolate, strawberry, ice cream cake, and RAM cake! Also did anyone bring games?
  7. PARTY!!! Yes... Want some? I have LOTS
  8. Anyone here? If not, when someone does get here, I have some cake!
  9. Oh nice! Another person! Hello Pryzmm! You there? If you are, I saved some cake!
  10. Let's get this party started!!!
  11. Sadly, this party has died in popularity, so I'm gonna start another one!
  12. This party is kind of dying but I'm still here to keep it running!
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