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Lurker (1/6)



  1. Try this skript. command /heal: permission: op permission message: "&cTu n'as &lpas la permission&r &cd''executer cette set health of player to maximum health of player
  2. Try reinstalling the plugin on minehut or this link, Make sure you fully remove the plugin with the files that go with it. https://skRayFall.net
  3. If you are needing to reset playerdata, If you have the essentials plugin added go the the plugin and find "Playerdata" and can either delete the folder or delete everything inside of it.
  4. Use this if you are wanting random broadcast messages happen every 45 seconds, "1 and 50" is pending on how many broadcast messages you would like to use. if {_chance} is between 1 and 50: if broad = 1: broadcast " " broadcast "&bClaim a reward every day using /daily!" broadcast " " if broad = 2: broadcast " " broadcast "&eRemember, mining &8Deepslate&e gives better resources then &fCalcite." broadcast " " if broad = 3: broadcast " " broadcast "&eStuck? Teleport back to spawn using /spawn" broadcast " " if broad = 4: broadcast " " broadcast "&cFollow the rules in /rules." broadcast "&cPerpetrators will be banned." broadcast " " if broad = 5: broadcast " " broadcast "&eDont know how to play? Try &b/help&e or &b/tutorial." broadcast " "
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