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Everything posted by nmazey

  1. and Lapzzo I remember He went in my old server and said he could script And his brother But Then I said no I dont want to share my Email And password to login Bc I didnt Rly Trust Him I just need it in text
  2. If I could get Help I can give u A rank or Stuff in my server So please I dont know HOW??
  3. So Please Help! Anyone Could Help ME PLEASE I need it now And everyone is hating my server I NEED TO DO SKRIPTS
  4. as Well Im on Mac - apple So I dont know Whats happening I dont know how to use folders and paste stuff
  5. My scripts dont Work When ever I make a file after I code it all with RIGHT scripts and some times I steal people scripts they say its works BUT It will never load I dont Know Whats happing I do /sk reload The Name of the script and I speeded about 10 hours tryna make this script now Its GONNE
  6. Hey! If this happens do a backup reset the world change the level name AFTER backup the server And then DONE! does it say stopping server? this is what u have to do
  7. My skripts dont work to i wrote on load: set {gens::wheat} to hay block named "&e&1Wheat gen" with lore "&7----- "&8-----" and "&7Produces wheat every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost: &e500 set {gens::coal} to coal block named "&e&8Coal gen" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and &7Produces coal every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost : &e1000 set {items :: wheat} to wheat named "&ewheat" with lore &7-----&8-----" andd "&sell price: &e10 " and &7-----&8-----" set {items :: Coal} to coal named "&8Coal" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and "&7sell price: &e20 " and "&7-----&8-----" command /givegen [<text>]: permission op trigger: if arg-1 is set: give player {gens::%arg-1% else: message "&cInvailid Arguments! Usage: /givegen <gen?" on place: if a player's tool is block:hay placeGen("Wheat", player, event-block's Location) if a player's tool is block:coal placeGen("coal", player, event-block's Location) function placeGen{n: Text, P: player, I: location) if {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}} = {msxslots::%[_p]'s uuid%]: send action bar "&8* &cGen cap reached! &7)&e%{usedsslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p} play sound "entity.villager.no" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p} set block at {_1} to air give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%} else: add {_1}'s location to {gensplaced::%{_n}%{_P}'s uuid%::*} add 1 to {usedplaced::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} send action bar "&8* &7placed a &e%{_n} Gen &7(&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7}" to {_p} play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 2 to {_p} make 10 of proof at {_1} on left click: --------- breakgen)"wheat", player, event block's-location) function breakgen{n: text, p: player, I: location): remove 1 rom {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} remove {_1}'s location from {gensplaced::%{_n}%::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} send action bar "&8* &7Picked up a &e%{_n}% Gen &7 {&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p} play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p} make 10 of proof at {_1} give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%} set block at {_1} to air every 10 seconds: loop all player: Loop all blocks in radius 30 around loop-player: if {gensplaced:: wheat::&1Loop-player's uuid%::* contains loop-block's location: set {_ioc to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::wheat} 1 meters above {_ioc} without velocity if {gensplaced::coal::%loop-player's uuid%;;*} contains loop-block's location: {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity command /sell: trigger: set {_total} to 0 set {_wheatamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory remove all wheat from player's inventory add {_wheatamt} * 10 to {_total} set {_coalamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory remove all coal from player's inventory add {_coalamt} * 20 to {_total} add {_total} to {coins::%player's uuid%} send title "&7Sale Summary:" with subtitle "&e+%{_total}%" For 5 seconds play sound "entity.horse.amour" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to player every 2 seconds: loop all players: send action bar "&e%{coins::%Loop-player's uuid%]% %7Gen slots: &e%{usedslots::%loop-player%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%loop-player's uuid% On right click: if clicked-block is set: player is sneaking if click::%clicked-block is hay block: [upgrade player's uuid%} is false set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true wait 1 tick remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*} set clicked block to coal block send title "&e&1Upgraded" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> to player wait 0.5 seconds set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false stop if click::%clicked-block is hay block: [upgrade player's uuid%} is false set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true wait 1 tick remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*} set clicked block to coal block send title "not coded yet" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> ?" to player wait 0.5 seconds set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false stop command /start: trigger: if {start::%player's uuid%} is not true: set {start::%player's uuid%} to true excute player command "/p auto give player {gens::wheat} wait 1 second send title "&eplace your gen to begin!" with subtitle " " to player for 3 seconds on join: set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to false if {coins::%player's uuid%} is not set set {coins::%player's uuid% to 0 if {usedlots::%player's uuid%} is not set set {usedslots::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {maxslots::%player's uuid%} is not set set {maxslots::%player's uuid%} to 26
  8. on load: set {gens::wheat} to hay block named "&e&1Wheat gen" with lore "&7----- "&8-----" and "&7Produces wheat every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost: &e500 set {gens::coal} to coal block named "&e&8Coal gen" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and &7Produces coal every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost : &e1000 set {items :: wheat} to wheat named "&ewheat" with lore &7-----&8-----" andd "&sell price: &e10 " and &7-----&8-----" set {items :: Coal} to coal named "&8Coal" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and "&7sell price: &e20 " and "&7-----&8-----" command /givegen [<text>]: permission op trigger: if arg-1 is set: give player {gens::%arg-1% else: message "&cInvailid Arguments! Usage: /givegen <gen?" on place: if a player's tool is block:hay placeGen("Wheat", player, event-block's Location) if a player's tool is block:coal placeGen("coal", player, event-block's Location) function placeGen{n: Text, P: player, I: location) if {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}} = {msxslots::%[_p]'s uuid%]: send action bar "&8* &cGen cap reached! &7)&e%{usedsslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p} play sound "entity.villager.no" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p} set block at {_1} to air give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%} else: add {_1}'s location to {gensplaced::%{_n}%{_P}'s uuid%::*} add 1 to {usedplaced::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} send action bar "&8* &7placed a &e%{_n} Gen &7(&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7}" to {_p} play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 2 to {_p} make 10 of proof at {_1} on left click: --------- breakgen)"wheat", player, event block's-location) function breakgen{n: text, p: player, I: location): remove 1 rom {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} remove {_1}'s location from {gensplaced::%{_n}%::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} send action bar "&8* &7Picked up a &e%{_n}% Gen &7 {&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p} play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p} make 10 of proof at {_1} give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%} set block at {_1} to air every 10 seconds: loop all player: Loop all blocks in radius 30 around loop-player: if {gensplaced:: wheat::&1Loop-player's uuid%::* contains loop-block's location: set {_ioc to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::wheat} 1 meters above {_ioc} without velocity if {gensplaced::coal::%loop-player's uuid%;;*} contains loop-block's location: {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity command /sell: trigger: set {_total} to 0 set {_wheatamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory remove all wheat from player's inventory add {_wheatamt} * 10 to {_total} set {_coalamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory remove all coal from player's inventory add {_coalamt} * 20 to {_total} add {_total} to {coins::%player's uuid%} send title "&7Sale Summary:" with subtitle "&e+%{_total}%" For 5 seconds play sound "entity.horse.amour" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to player every 2 seconds: loop all players: send action bar "&e%{coins::%Loop-player's uuid%]% %7Gen slots: &e%{usedslots::%loop-player%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%loop-player's uuid% On right click: if clicked-block is set: player is sneaking if click::%clicked-block is hay block: [upgrade player's uuid%} is false set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true wait 1 tick remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*} set clicked block to coal block send title "&e&1Upgraded" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> to player wait 0.5 seconds set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false stop if click::%clicked-block is hay block: [upgrade player's uuid%} is false set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true wait 1 tick remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*} set clicked block to coal block send title "not coded yet" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> ?" to player wait 0.5 seconds set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false stop command /start: trigger: if {start::%player's uuid%} is not true: set {start::%player's uuid%} to true excute player command "/p auto give player {gens::wheat} wait 1 second send title "&eplace your gen to begin!" with subtitle " " to player for 3 seconds on join: set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to false if {coins::%player's uuid%} is not set set {coins::%player's uuid% to 0 if {usedlots::%player's uuid%} is not set set {usedslots::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {maxslots::%player's uuid%} is not set set {maxslots::%player's uuid%} to 26
  9. please i got muted for saying on load: set {gens::wheat} to hay block named "&e&1Wheat gen" with lore "&7----- "&8-----" and "&7Produces wheat every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost: &e500 set {gens::coal} to coal block named "&e&8Coal gen" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and &7Produces coal every 10 seconds" and "&7Upgrade cost : &e1000 set {items :: wheat} to wheat named "&ewheat" with lore &7-----&8-----" andd "&sell price: &e10 " and &7-----&8-----" set {items :: Coal} to coal named "&8Coal" with lore "&7-----&8-----" and "&7sell price: &e20 " and "&7-----&8-----" command /givegen [<text>]: permission op trigger: if arg-1 is set: give player {gens::%arg-1% else: message "&cInvailid Arguments! Usage: /givegen <gen?" on place: if a player's tool is block:hay placeGen("Wheat", player, event-block's Location) if a player's tool is block:coal placeGen("coal", player, event-block's Location) function placeGen{n: Text, P: player, I: location) if {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}} = {msxslots::%[_p]'s uuid%]: send action bar "&8* &cGen cap reached! &7)&e%{usedsslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p} play sound "entity.villager.no" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p} set block at {_1} to air give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%} else: add {_1}'s location to {gensplaced::%{_n}%{_P}'s uuid%::*} add 1 to {usedplaced::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} send action bar "&8* &7placed a &e%{_n} Gen &7(&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7}" to {_p} play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 2 to {_p} make 10 of proof at {_1} on left click: --------- breakgen)"wheat", player, event block's-location) function breakgen{n: text, p: player, I: location): remove 1 rom {usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} remove {_1}'s location from {gensplaced::%{_n}%::%{_p}'s uuid%::*} send action bar "&8* &7Picked up a &e%{_n}% Gen &7 {&e%{usedslots::%{_p}'s uuid%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%{_P}'s uuid%}%&7)" to {_p} play sound "block.note_block.pling" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to {_p} make 10 of proof at {_1} give {_p} {gens::%{_n}%} set block at {_1} to air every 10 seconds: loop all player: Loop all blocks in radius 30 around loop-player: if {gensplaced:: wheat::&1Loop-player's uuid%::* contains loop-block's location: set {_ioc to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::wheat} 1 meters above {_ioc} without velocity if {gensplaced::coal::%loop-player's uuid%;;*} contains loop-block's location: {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity {_ioc} to block above loop-value-2 drop 1 of {items::coal} 1 meters setabove {_ioc} without velocity command /sell: trigger: set {_total} to 0 set {_wheatamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory remove all wheat from player's inventory add {_wheatamt} * 10 to {_total} set {_coalamt} to amount of wheat in player's inventory remove all coal from player's inventory add {_coalamt} * 20 to {_total} add {_total} to {coins::%player's uuid%} send title "&7Sale Summary:" with subtitle "&e+%{_total}%" For 5 seconds play sound "entity.horse.amour" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to player every 2 seconds: loop all players: send action bar "&e%{coins::%Loop-player's uuid%]% %7Gen slots: &e%{usedslots::%loop-player%}%&7/&e%{maxslots::%loop-player's uuid% On right click: if clicked-block is set: player is sneaking if click::%clicked-block is hay block: [upgrade player's uuid%} is false set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true wait 1 tick remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*} set clicked block to coal block send title "&e&1Upgraded" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> to player wait 0.5 seconds set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false stop if click::%clicked-block is hay block: [upgrade player's uuid%} is false set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to true wait 1 tick remove clicked block's location from {gensplaced::Wheat::%player's uuid%::*} add clicked block's location from {gensplaced::coal::%player's uuid%::*} set clicked block to coal block send title "not coded yet" with subtitle "&7Wheat -> ?" to player wait 0.5 seconds set {upgradeclick::%player's uuid% to false stop command /start: trigger: if {start::%player's uuid%} is not true: set {start::%player's uuid%} to true excute player command "/p auto give player {gens::wheat} wait 1 second send title "&eplace your gen to begin!" with subtitle " " to player for 3 seconds on join: set {upgradeclicks::%player's uuid%} to false if {coins::%player's uuid%} is not set set {coins::%player's uuid% to 0 if {usedlots::%player's uuid%} is not set set {usedslots::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {maxslots::%player's uuid%} is not set set {maxslots::%player's uuid%} to 26 and please unmute bcs i have a server and i need to ad Please I dont want to be muted for ever
  10. please help me skript gen server I want it like balance And i made it before and it took me 11 hours to do and it didnt work please show me a gen skript any one u get money and then /shop and that please help
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