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Everything posted by vYaori

  1. This project is discontinued, i have seen the problems and fixed them although its private as i'm too busy with stuff!
  2. Basically a list is much more cleaner and it will make deleting stuff easier. Example: !delete {var.*} - This will not work, requires deletion through variable.csv now imagine if you have 1k variables !delete {var::*} - This will work, no hastle! You may say, omg that's not gonna make any difference! Now, what about your {freeze.%player%}, you're only setting them to true and false, now imagine the dozens of variables that will stay in your variable.csv. EHH, I'll just delete the variables in the variable.csv! Do note that editing the file is very dangerous, it may corrupt your whole variable file What will happen if there's alot of variables? It will result in the warning where your variables are gonna take awhile to save and if the server crashes it will result in some variables not saving.
  3. Epic Generators By vYaori/Xorzn/Your Dad This is a pretty powerful generator skript with yaml support, you can edit max gen places in plugins/EpicGenerators/config.yml. Note: This is my first published project, so dont booli if it has lots of redundant lines :3 Commands: /generator gui - claim your generators here /generator reload - reloads the config file Actions: Right Click On Generator - Upgrade Generator Break Generator - Get Generator Required Addons: - Skript-Yaml - SkBee Config.yml: Note: Radius: 0.1 = 1 Chunk Prefix: '&7[&dEpicGen&7]' Settings: Radius: 0.1 SpawnDelay: 10 seconds MaxPlace: 10 Lore: - '&7▎ &aDrops: {drop}' - '&7▎ &aPlace To Activate' Message: Place: '&aSuccessfully placed generator! &7({current}/{max})' Break: '&aSuccessfully broke generator! &7({current}/{max})' MaxGens: '&cYou have too many generators!' OwnerError: '&cYou don''''t own this generator!' Gens.yml: Cost handler has to be edited in the script options, its default to {balance::%player's uuid%} Wood: Name: '&6Wood Generator' Block: oak wood Drop: oak wood Cost: 0 Pre-Made: true Lore: - '&7Line 1' - '&7Line 2' Stone: Name: '&7Stone Generator' Block: stone Drop: stone Cost: 150 Pre-Made: true Lore: - '&7Line 1' - '&7Line 2' Iron: Name: '&fIron Generator' Block: iron block Drop: iron ingot Cost: 300 Pre-Made: true Lore: - '&7Line 1' - '&7Line 2' Updates (Version 1.2): - Code Cleanup - Fixed Major Bug (Gens Wont Work Without This Fix) Donation: yaoricoronel567@gmail.com (Paypal) Support: Xorzn (Discord) Download: EpicGen.sk
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