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Everything posted by filv

  1. filv

    Double jump

    Actually, use this
  2. filv

    Double jump

    Made a small skript so you don't take fall damage when you use the double jump (used with right clicking feather, but can be changed) on right click with feather: push player upwards with speed 1 set {nofall.%player%} to true on damage: if damage was caused by fall: if {nofall.%victim%} is true: cancel event set {nofall.%victim%} to false
  3. filv


    If you are using essentials, go to the file manager, "plugins", "Essentials" folder, config.yml, then scroll down until you see the AFK timer (454th line) Save, then go into the console, and type in /essentials reload or restart your server. Hope this helped!
  4. filv

    server is so laggy

    Ping can be affected by many things. The 100+ average ping could be caused by the distance between you and your friends and the place where the Minehut servers are located (USA) As for the rubberbanding, that's probably caused by your network or ping, since a clean server shouldn't cause rubberbanding. Hope this helps!
  5. I recommend you reset your server entirely and add those addons/worlds again. It could be a broken plugin messing things up. If you could attach logs to your question it would be nice.
  6. There is nothing else to do, other than wait, or message moderators of minehut on the forums.
  7. Go to the panel of your server, and click console. After that, type "op (your name)" into the text bar.
  8. What about censorship in /msg? It's private messages, not public lobby chat.
  9. Sorry then, I'm used to skript-json being installed and thought it was needed
  10. You need skript-json. command /discord: trigger: send "<link:(LINK)>Click Here<reset>" Keep in mind that you need to put <reset> at the end of it if you want to put additional text after. You can do additional stuff, such as a tool tip. (When you hover over the text) command /tooltip: trigger: send "<tooltip:whatever you want it to say after you hover over the text>hover over here</reset>" Or maybe even make the player say stuff! command /makesay: trigger: send "<command:if player clicks this, they will say whatever is in this>click here to say something thats preset<reset>" skript-json is a fun addon.
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