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Everything posted by zyria

  1. For some odd reason my skript will not work and i can't figure it out please help on load: clear {_swords::*} add "iron sword", "diamond sword" and "stone sword" to {_swords::*} command sword: trigger: set {_random} to a random element of {_swords::*} give {_random} to player send "test"
  2. on right click: if item is paper named "&f&lBandage": set {bandage} to player send "&aUsing bandage" send action bar "&aUsing bandage" to player remove 1 paper named "&f&lBandage" from player's inventory wait 10 seconds delete {bandage} send "&cBandage is gone!" send action bar "&cBandage is gone!" to player on damage: if {bandage} is set: if {bandage} is player: cancel event heres your bandage skript
  3. Can't understand this condition/effect: register new shaped recipe for Leather helmet using red dye, red dye, red dye, red dye, air, red dye, air air, air [02:24:23 INFO]: Line: register new shaped recipe for Leather helmet using red dye, red dye, red dye, red dye, air, red dye, air air, air [02:24:23 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 1 error while reloading zyria.sk! (11ms) on load: register new shaped recipe for Leather helmet using red dye, red dye, red dye, red dye, air, red dye, air air, air please fix I don't know how to and thank you
  4. i figured it out i made a data pack for the custom recipes
  5. it will just say "invalid line - all code has to be into triggers" please fix and heres my code on load: register new shapeless recipe for oak planks using air, air, air, air, stick, stick, air, stick, stick
  6. on load: register new shapeless recipe for oak planks using air, air, air, air, stick, stick, air, stick, stick
  7. on join: clear player's inventory every 10 seconds: loop all players: give loop player dirt can you fix my skript please?
  8. on join: clear player's inventory every 10 seconds: loop-player: give loop-player dirt 5 please help
  9. why cant i make a custome recipe? on load: register new shapeless recipe for oak planks using air, air, air, air, stick, stick, air, stick, stick
  10. when i try to add stuff it wont work like adding names and trying to add a nother item to it and making it so any player can actuly get coins and use /stick command on join: give player stick command /stick: trigger: give stick to the player on right click: player is holding a stick: send "&4You got 1$" make player execute command "give @s sunflower 1" what im trying to add name: "&2coin" on right click: player is holding a arrow: send "&4You got 2$" make player execute command "give @s sunflower 2"
  11. when i try to add stuff it wont work like adding names and trying to add a nother item to it and making it so any player can actuly get coins and use /stick command on join: give player stick command /stick: trigger: give stick to the player on right click: player is holding a stick: send "&4You got 1$" make player execute command "give @s sunflower 1" what im trying to add name: "&2coin" on right click: player is holding a arrow: send "&4You got 2$" make player execute command "give @s sunflower 2"
  12. can you make is so i can name the sunflower to somthing and make it work with other items on join: give player stick command /stick: trigger: give stick to the player on right click: player is holding a stick: send "&4You got 1$" make player execute command "give @s sunflower 1 name:" what im trying to add on right click: player is holding a arrow: send "&4You got 2$" make player execute command "give @s sunflower 2"
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