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Everything posted by Stacksyz

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is an extremely simple tempmute and unmute skript that i made in very short time so don't complain :3 Commands: /tempmute <player> <timespan in seconds> [reason](optional) - Tempmute a player /unmute <player> - Unmute a player
  2. Chatcolor.skUpdate! Permissions fixed for non-op people
  3. What is the command supposed to do? Edit: Im guessing it should set someone's health if that is the case then this should work: command /heart <player> <number>: permission: heart.use trigger: set arg-1's health to %arg-2%
  4. Can you define "just a normal gen" please.
  5. command /rtp: cooldown: 2 hours cooldown message: &4Stop! &cYou can only teleport to a random location every 2 hours. permission: rtp.use permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command trigger: set {_x} to round(random number between -100000 and 100000) set {_z} to round(random number between -100000 and 100000) set {_block} to block at location at ({_x}, 0, {_z}) in world event-world loop all blocks above {_block}: if loop-block is air: block below loop-block is not water block below loop-block is not air if block above loop-block is air: teleport player to loop-block send "&aTeleported to a random location" to player command /ta [<text>]: permission: admin.tools permission message: You shall &4&lNot &7&rPass! trigger: execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/mail send dantdm18320 %player% has used the &e&lADMIN TOOLS &r&a Program &rfor the reason &2%arg-1%" give player diamond axe named "&a&kH&r&c&lBan &4&lHammer&a&kH&r" give player stick named "&5&kP&r&c&lMute&5&kP&r" give player netherite ingot named "&a&kP&r&b&lKick Player&a&kP&r" set slot 8 of player's inventory to barrier named "&cExit" set slot 3 of player's inventory to iron bars named "&6&lPurgatory &c&lPlayer" set slot 4 of player's inventory to book named "&a&lJudge &c&lPlayer" set slot 5 of player's inventory to diamond named "&a&lWarn Player" on damage: if attacker's weapon is diamond axe named "&a&kH&r&c&lBan &4&lHammer&a&kH&r": execute console command "/ban %victim%" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully banned!" to attacker on damage: if attacker's weapon is stick named "&5&kP&r&c&lMute&5&kP&r": execute console command "mute %victim%" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully muted" to attacker on damage: if attacker's weapon is netherite ingot named "&a&kP&r&b&lKick Player&a&kP&r": execute console command "kick %victim%" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully Kicked!" to attacker on right-click: if event-item is barrier named "&cExit": execute console command "/clear %player%" send "&cExited the &e&lADMIN TOOLS &r&aprogram." on damage: if attacker's weapon is iron bars named "&6&lPurgatory &c&lPlayer": execute console command "/purgatory %victim%" send "&a(TA)&c: &2Sent them to &6Purgatory&c!" to attacker on damage: if attacker's weapon is book named "&a&lJudge &c&lPlayer": execute console command "/jail %victim% court" send "&a(TA)&c: &2Sent them to &6Court&c!" to attacker execute console command "/warp court %attacker%" send "&c(&a!&c)&6: &cYou are now in court." to victim on damage: if attacker's weapon is diamond named "&a&lWarn Player": execute console command "/warn %victim% AdminTools Warn" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully Warned!" to attacker Okay so you can use /rtp to random teleport and /ta to get admin tools, remember that people you want to be able to use the admin command needs the permission "admin.tools
  6. Would be good if you send what errors you get.
  7. Haven't had time to test it but this might come to use.
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