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Everything posted by snowi

  1. Adding on to this: on chat: message contains "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" # and so on send formatted "&c[Filter] &f%player% just said &c%message% <tooltip:&cClick to mute!><command:/tempmute %player% 1d Chat Filter>[Punish Player]" to all players where [input has permission "filter.use"] cancel event
  2. Hello, please do not necro-post, this thread is over 2 years old. The paper.yml can be found in "/Config/paper.yml" assuming you are using one of the later versions.
  3. snowi

    help with mod

    Ensure that you are using the correct server software. If you are using paper / spigot / pufferfish / purpur make sure to change it to Forge / Fabric depending on what architecture the mod uses.
  4. Using A Domain: 1. Find the Domain's DNS, You can optionally add your site to CloudFlare but that will take an extended amount of time and will require you to change your name servers etc. 2. Go to your Minehut panel (If you are using minehut) else let me know 3. Click add a domain and then input what you want to connect via for example: play.example.com and copy the value using the Copy To Clipboard button. 4. Go to your DNS manager and add a txt record to help verify that you own the domain. 5. Add a SRV record named _minecraft and then add the port 25565 and sort out the priority & weight (This may vary depending on your DNS manager) 6. Wait for everything to get verified. DNS updates when not using Cloudflare can take an extended amount of time. There are other ways of using the External Domain system this is just the way that I do it on my servers. MOTD can take a couple of hours to update it is on Minehut's end not the server owner / developer's
  5. snowi

    Server keeps crashing

    Hello, The log you have provided appears to not be complete. Is this all that the server sends?
  6. You can download World Guard by clicking Here or by going to https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard. To use it on your server you should upload the WorldGuard.jar file into your Plugins directory in the file manager.
  7. snowi


    Can you send a log? Are you placing the files in the plugins directory?
  8. Hello, You have not used tabs or spaces for indexing which may cause an error and you also only need 1 trigger. This would make it work: command /super-place: permission: skript.super-rank description: If you are Super-Rank, using this command will teleport you to super-place, a special place for people that have the Super-Rank rank. exacutable by: players trigger: teleport player to 266 122 -721 in world "world" send "&6&lWelcome to Super-Place!"
  9. Hello, for a quick example of this I will use the variable "{example::%player%}" which can display whatever you want it to & it will have show this to the placeholder "%example_placeholder%". If you need any more help let me know on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "example": if the identifier is "placeholder": set the result to "%{example::%player%}%"
  10. You can use the plugin skript-placeholders to add the ability to "fetch" variables from skript in placeholder api requests. The link to skript-placeholders can be found Here
  11. What plan is your server running on? (Assuming that it is on minehut)
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