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Everything posted by rsrsamr

  1. can someone give me a copy of fastgens scoreboard please
  2. please be more specific, do u want a command,gui etc
  3. #made by rsrsamr #do not take credit #enjoyyyyy # plugins nedeed (skript) (skquery) command /gamemodegui: permission: gamemode.server trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lgamemode gui" to player format slot 1 of player with paper named "&2&lCreative" to close then run [make player execute "/gmc"] format slot 5 of player with paper named "&3&lSpectator" to close then run [make player execute "/spec"] format slot 7 of player with paper named "&4&lSurvival" to close then run [make player execute "/gms"] format slot 3 of player with paper named "&3&lAdventure" to close then run [make player execute "/gma"] format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&lenjoy" to close then run "gm" format slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&lenjoy" to close then run "gm" format slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&lenjou" to close then run "gm" format slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&lenjoy" to close then run "gm" format slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&f&lenjoy" to close then run "gm" command /gmc: permission: gm.creative permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: execute console command "gamemode creative %player%" message "&6You are now game mode &ccreative." command /gms: permission: gm.survival permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: execute console command "gamemode survival %player%" message "&6You are now game mode &csurvival." command /gma: permission: gm.adventure permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: execute console command "gamemode adventure %player%" message "&6You are now game mode &cadventure." command /spec: permission: gm.spectator permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: execute console command "gamemode spectator %player%" message "&6You are now game mode &cspectator." on join: player has permission "op" send "&a&lthank you for gamemode gui by rsrsamr" to player
  4. #avanced dupe by rsrsamr options: permission: dupe #permission required for command permission message: dupe #permission message if player does not have permission for the command cooldown: 5 seconds #cooldown for the command cooldown message: 5 seconds #cooldown message if player is on cooldown on join: player has permission "op" send "&a&lthank you for advanced dupe by rsrsamr" to player command /dupe {<text>}: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@permission message} cooldown: {@cooldown} cooldown message: {@cooldown message} trigger: if arg-1 is "1": give 1 of {_dupe} to player send "&a&lyou duped your item 1 time" to player else: if arg-1 is "2": give 2 of {_dupe} to player send "&a&lyou duped your item 2 times" to player else: if arg-1 is "3": give 3 of {_dupe} to player send "&a&lyou duped your item 3 times" to player stop #enjoy :d #please do not take credit for this skript #plugins needed skript (any version) #for any help please message me via the minehut forums
  5. yo can u make a skript that every 30 seconds depending o players multi they get a random item for example if there multis 2 every 30 seconds they get 2 of ayn random item
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