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Posts posted by Echology

  1. I mean if you really want to beg for a skript, just ask in market place in the discord. Also you really didn't give any info whatsoever on what you wanted. "Seperate Tablist Per World" makes sense. But you gotta expand. Please take the time to explain more, or people probably won't help out. Regardless, you can probably find one on google if you are going to have someone make something for you.

  2. 2 ways, either in your dashboard, you go to settings, and click on "Flat" in the world settings section, change the name of the world (right next to world settings) then restart your server,
    or you download and upload a flat world.

    Here's a quick example: fiqlOG.gif


    Your level name does not have to be flat, this is just what I used to demonstrate

  3. The development team is working on save timings, where the worlds will save quicker, better and more efficiently. For the meantime, you just gotta make sure that you are doing /save-all every so often,

    if you have a skript, this might be useful.


    every 5 minutes: #depending on how often you want it to save, 5m is good.
    	console command "save-all"
    	send "Saving server" to all players where [input has permission "sk.saves"] #this is just to notify when it happens. You can change this, but it will send to all players that have the "sk.saves" perm.



    Go to the Minehut dashboard for your server -> https://minehut.com/dashboard

    Then in the first section "Appearance" there is a console command section, in there type "ban <player>"

    replace <player> with the name of the player you want to ban.

    To unban do "pardon <player>"

    to op someone (give them permissions to run these commands in game) do "op <player>" <- you should op yourself on your own server but do not give people you don't trust op.



  4. Go to your dashboard, go to settings, scroll down and enable Command Blocks option (make sure to hit save). Once you do that, restart your server and then command blocks should be enabled.

    should look like this ^

    Heres an example. I went a little fast but hopefully it helps 🙂



  5. on right click:
    	#if im correct, citizen uses players,, so check that the entity is a player
    	entity is a player
    	# can check name of livingEntity
    	if name of entity = "name here":
    		player command "command"
    	if name of entity = "other name":
    		player command "command 2"

    although since this might have conflict issues with players

    to solve this, use skRayFall's npc click event / npc name condition


    on NPC right click:
    on NPC left click:
    #also use the https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=113
    # condition from skrayfall...
    on citizen right click:
    	NPC is named "hi":


  6. Make sure that your server is fully started up before joining, to do so you could just wait for it to say Online on the dashboard, then join. If you server is offline and you try joining directly (server.minehut.gg) it will send you to the lobby. 

  7. This is most likely an issue with paper, there really isn't any way to regain your data. it would be best just to do /save-all every once and a while so the server will be forced to save.

    if you have skript, you could do

    every 5 minutes:
    	console command "save-all"


  8. It might be due to save points, maybe try running /save-all every once and a while, also make sure you have Nether World option enabled on the dashboard. What plugins are you using, if any, maybe one of those could be making you respawn at a specific location on join, such as Essentials (depends on config).

  9. It also depends on when paper/bukkit/spigot releases a new server version for 1.17, which shouldn't take time, but you never know. But as already stated, don't worry about this now, as it will be a while before this update releases. As it has only been like 3 months since 1.16 came out.

    More info: Here

  10. Hey everyone!
    Just wondering what people's favorite Movies/TV Series/Game/Book/Play or really anything is.

    Just seeing what people like

    For me, Favorite Movie is probably Inception or Empire Strikes Back


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