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Posts posted by Echology

  1. With the raw materials that Minehut gives you, no, there is no way to make your server only for Bedrock users, Minehut uses Geyser which is built in and can't really be modified. So basically, no. You can use things like the code above which will just ban the players who aren't using a Bedrock account which idk seems kinda brute but whatever works. Also be careful cause player's display name will be the nickname so if they are using a nick that starts with * they will get banned, you should just use player's name to avoid that.

    EDIT: I'm just gonna say if you want a bedrock only server just use the Microsoft friend thing like just make a world, and invite your friends to play using the already included with Bedrock network connections. Just makes it a little simpler and would make it easier for you and your friends to play.

  2. function gui(p:player):
    	set (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to chest inventory with 3 rows named "gui"
    	set slot 0 of (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to stick named "this is a stick"
    	open (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to {_p}
    on inventory close:
    	event-inventory's name is "gui":
    on inventory click:
    	event-inventory is (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}):
    		index of event-slot is 0:
    			send "&cYou clicked on da stick" 
    command gui:


    seems to work for me, I mean you'd have to edit it but I mean for the purposes of an unlosable gui this seems fine.


    2 minutes ago, thevirtualpotato said:

    alright so i figured out how to make it unclosable but now after it reopens the gui is completely blank...

      Hide contents

    command /join:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&0Set Up" to player
        format gui slot 8 of player with paper named "&4&lImportant!" with lore "&c&lDO NOT CLOSE THIS GUI"
        format gui slot 20 of player with glowing map named "Clans" to run:
          execute player command "/1"
        format gui slot 22 of player with glowing iron sword named "Kits" to run:
          execute player command "/2"
        format gui slot 24 of player with glowing book named "Receive Books" to run:
          execute player command "/3"

    on inventory close:
        if name of event-inventory contains "&0Set Up":
            wait 1 tick
            open event-inventory to player



    1 hour ago, BluBoy3ch0 said:

    i mean this is my personal opinion but you should use vanilla guis


    function gui(p:player):
    	set (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to chest inventory with 3 rows named "gui"
    	set slot 0 of (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to stick named "this is a stick"
    	open (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to {_p}
    on inventory close:
    	event-inventory is (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}):
    command gui:

    again its your opinion but idk its a good skill to know 

    https://forums.skunity.com/threads/vanilla-guis.8939/ for more info


  3. i mean this is my personal opinion but you should use vanilla guis


    function gui(p:player):
    	set (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to chest inventory with 3 rows named "gui"
    	set slot 0 of (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to stick named "this is a stick"
    	open (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}) to {_p}
    on inventory close:
    	event-inventory is (metadata tag "gui" of {_p}):
    command gui:

    again its your opinion but idk its a good skill to know 

    https://forums.skunity.com/threads/vanilla-guis.8939/ for more info

  4. Mods please don't kill me for necro

    Sorry for bump & sorta nerco but has there been any update on this, it has been a while and I don't mean to rush and be rude about this but just wondering what the status is.

  5. 1 hour ago, pop4959 said:

    No problem, I understand that it's been a while. The reason why new plugins have been delayed is in large part due to the release of 1.16.4, which was only a few days after this post. Most efforts have been going into ensuring that the existing plugins are properly updated. There were also very few plugin updates last week due to Thanksgiving holiday in the US.


    That being said, this plugin is in the list to review, and will be reviewed in the order that they were suggested here on the forum. Unfortunately I have no specific ETA for this, but needless to say as soon as possible. My hope is to get through all of the plugin requests much more quickly now assuming that less plugins are in critical need of updates & there is no further 1.16.x release.


    You should start seeing more new plugins in either this (if I get through the update backlog from last week) or next wave of plugin updates. Hope that clarifies everything.

    Alright, thanks for the info, yeah I know that it was definitely tight last week. All makes sense, so thanks for the info!

  6. Not sure if Geyser is broken atm:

    All servers on Minehut support crossplay on Java and Bedrock edition, meaning you are able to play with people using other editions of Minecraft. Bedrock users will have an asterisk (*) displayed in front of their username.

    VERSION 1.16.101 SERVER NAME Minehut

    SERVER IP bedrock.minehut.com PORT 19132

    DEVICES iOS, Android, Win10

     Bedrock support is currently in beta. If you notice things that don't work or don't work as well as they should, let us know! When connecting to a server you must connect from the lobby, player server IPs do notcurrently work on bedrock.

  7. On 11/2/2020 at 4:55 PM, pop4959 said:

    I see this is your plugin. 😛


    That doesn't mean we won't add it, but it might be a while before I can take a look.

    So, I don't mean to be picky or annoying about any of this. but its been like almost a month since this. Just wondering if any updates or if the wait time is normally extended to this length. Either way, I do not mean to be rude, just wondering what the situation is.

    mods, please don't kill me for necro, I'd rather not be spamming and make a new post for this :] 


    • Being a server operator allows you to run most of the general commands the server has, including the dangerous ones.

    • Only give operator to people you trust! You can op yourself on the web panel under Server Commands.

    JAVA: /op (username)

    BEDROCK: /op *(username)

    Once you are op, you can ban people with /ban <player> ingame.
    You can also just type /ban <player> in the console

  9. 11 hours ago, HunterLux said:
    •  Yeah, that won't work. Instead use:


    on first join:
    	add 1 to {totaljoins}
    	set join message to "&2&l(SERVER NAME) &8» &a%player% &7has joined the server for the first time! &8##%{totaljoins}%"


    I suggest learning basic Skript before releasing scripts to the community..

    even better, use %size of offline players% rather than adding to a variable 🙂 

  10. not 100% sure hot to use nte
    but, do 

    /teams list

    and see if there are any minecraft teams, if so then do

    /teams list <team name>

    and then find which one you are in, then remove yourself from that team

    If that doesn't work, I would suggest googling commands and stuff for nte to figure out how to remove colors.

  11. 18 hours ago, pop4959 said:

    I see this is your plugin. 😛


    That doesn't mean we won't add it, but it might be a while before I can take a look.

    Well I thank you for taking the time to respond. Yes, it is my plugin, so if that means it'll take longer, that's ok. I don't want to stress anyone out with this so take your time. Anyways, have a good day :) :P

    • Like 1
  12. Also, Ik this is a bit late, but skellett has packets. While they might not be the most capable, they are usable. Also I am fairly certain that Mundo has some features that aren’t allowed on minehut.

  13. skript-reflect (mirror) won’t be added to minehut due to previous issues with the addon. This is the same reason why minehut doesn’t allow custom java plugins. Would be cool, but it’s not gonna happen

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