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Everything posted by TheSkript

  1. Someone might of hacked into your server. or someone placed a command block that deops you every time. and if you don't have permission to commands luckperms might of done that if there is luckperms installed i reccommend doing this: /lp user %player% permission set essentials.give true
  2. It is only crashing because there is too much data and it might not start because it has a version that is unstable.
  3. (If the spaces are there still remove them.)
  4. Ok i was making a Sky Mining Skript and i made this on load: send "&6Skript Loaded" make console execute "/gamerule sendcommandfeedback false" on first join: set the join message to "&6Welcome &f&l%player% &6To The Server!" give a wooden pickaxe named "&6Starter Pickaxe" to the player send title "&6&lWelcome!" with subtitle "&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-" play sound "entity.player.levelup" on break: make console execute "/experience add %player% 1 levels" on join: set the join message to "&8[&6+&8] &6%player%" send title "&6&lWelcome Back!" with subtitle "&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-" on quit: set the leave message to "&8[&c-&8] &c%player%" command /discord: trigger: send "&8-------------------------------------" send "&6&l<Server Name> &8- &e<Discord>" send "&8-------------------------------------" command /vote: trigger: send "&8---------------" send "&6&lVote Here!" send "&e<Vote Website>" send "&8---------------" command /helpop: trigger: broadcast "&f&l%player% &8>> &6%colored arg-1%" on chat: if player is op: set the chat format to "&8[&6&lSTAFF&8] &6&l%player%" else: set the chat format to "&8[&f&lDEFAULT&8] &f&l%player%" on rightclick with paper: teleport player to location(<coords>, <coords>, <coords>, the_nether) send title "&c&lEntering Nether" with subtitle "&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-" on rightclick with eye of ender: teleport player to location(<coords>, <coords>, <coords>, the_end) send title "&5&lEntering The End" with subtitle "&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-" If there are any bugs tell me!
  5. Hello! i am making --<<FREE>>-- Skripts today! ask for one and ill make one (i will reply shortly)
  6. TheSkript

    Bro what

    idk what to reply xD
  7. TheSkript

    Bro what

    empty he might be an owner of a website your using i mean some websites require your email to send your notifications he might of got it that way
  8. TheSkript

    Bro what

    or its a stupid hacker
  9. TheSkript

    Bro what

    also btw if it says your disconnected someone might used a bot with a same name bots can do that
  10. TheSkript

    Bro what

    ok now that proves that your hacked but tell me did you share your email to the dev? bc if yes don't do that next time people want to hack into your account
  11. TheSkript

    Bro what

    these things happen it doesn't mean someone has hacked into your account it means your joining too fast try waiting a few seconds before joining if that happens again alright? - or its the stupid anti-cheat bc the anti-cheat is currently stupid - or you just left quickly and joined again instantly
  12. <You can add any sound or send text just be sure to not delete the item replace and if player's held item is not air>
  13. ok heres the thing on how to do it: command /sell: trigger: if player's held item is not air: make console execute "/minecraft:item replace entity %player% weapon with air" play sound "block.anvil.land" send "&aSuccessfully sold an item"
  14. oops wrong again i meant command /sell: trigger: if player's held item is not air: make console execute "/minecraft:item replace entity %player% weapon with air" play sound "(pling sound thing)" at player's location make console execute "/pay %player% 10$
  15. oops i meant just command /sell: trigger: make console execute "/minecraft:item replace entity %player% weapon with air" play sound "(pling sound thing)" at player's location make console execute "/pay %player% 10$
  16. can you give me a right click ability script so it can execute some commands when i right click the item please and merry christmas!
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