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About species

This server has five species you can pick when you begin playing.

  • Merrow - The Merrow can breathe underwater, but not on land. They can mine faster underwater, as well as swim faster.
  • Vessen - Are always hungry. As a creature of fire, they cannot touch water or rain, or they will begin to shrivel. Mobs burn at their touch.
  • Hyleiad - Hyleiads are the most magical species, most magical items and spells only work with them. They can flutter when you doubletap space.
  • Shesce - Very tough skin, they always take half the damage. Shesce can always pack a punch, but walk slowly.
  • Zyriarch - Shapeshifters. When they kill mobs, they gain the ability to replicate them and their abilities.

About artifacts

Artifacts are found throughout arugila or given out by administrators.

More information is available on  the "Artifacts" page.

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