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Application for Minecraft server


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  1. What is your name (Last, First)? Austin Zeng 
  2. What is your in-game username? AustinJason
  3. How old are you? 14
  4. What time zone do you live in? This may be a little troublesome for us to communicate properly but I live in GMT+8
  5. Are you multilingual? If so, in what languages? English and Chinese
  6. Have you ever been kicked/muted/banned on this server? No
  7. At what level would you rate your maturity (10 being most mature)? 8
  8. How many hours have you spent on this server? None
  9. What past experience do you have at being a staff member? I have been a moderator on a Factions server a few years back but not has since been closed down. I became a moderator when the server was still in development. I have gained a lot of experience in this as I know how to deal with different problems such as Hackers, Players needing help and also errors in plugins.
  10. Are you able to record? Yes
  11. Why do you want to be a staff member on this server? I would like to help out a server as I had never been staff for quite a while. I can see that this server can become a really big mine hut server and I would like to Ben part of this journey with whoever reads this and all the other staff members. I would like to be part of this and also to help out in the process. I also like to play minehut servers or be part of a staff team of one of them. Also, I have never been staff on a server from the start before so i would like to help the server out all the way from the start till the end(even if this server is going to have an end)
  12. Why should we accept your application over others? I can skript and I can skript custom items or commands into the game. I feel like I am quite a responsible person and I can also help out the players when I am online as much as I can. I can also help with some of the plugin errors as I have gone through this a lot of times before. I also can help skript for a few hours daily but I can only play minecraft for half an hour( my parents give me restrictions) I can also manage hackers and give them the appropriate punishment they deserve. I would make this server a fun place for all players and no unhappiness should be within here. Also, through my moderator experience, I have learnt to tell between hackers and normal players and I also have gained patience when dealing with some people.
  13. How many applications have you made before? None on this server
  14. Any additional information? I cannot help during 7am to 4pm in my timezone as I have school
  15. Discord username(with tags): Austinsmurf#5191
Edited by AustinJason
Have to correct some errors
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