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SadKay's Moderator Application


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  1. What is your name (Last, First)? My real name is Kostas but I go with the nickname Kay.
  2. What is your in-game username? SadKay
  3. How old are you? I'm 15.
  4. What time zone do you live in? Greece,GMT+2
  5. Are you multilingual? If so, in what languages? I'm fluent in Greek and English.
  6. Have you ever been kicked/muted/banned on this server? No I haven't.
  7. At what level would you rate your maturity (10 being most mature)? Id give myself an 8 but I'll let you be the judge of that.
  8. How many hours have you spent on this server? None.
  9. What past experience do you have at being a staff member? 


    ~I used to be a moderator on Hyperdraft I had a total playtime of 40d.
    I started when the owner was looking for staff to help the server because some of the helpers started griefing and abusing their perks and the server was in a bad position. At the time there were no moderators and I didn't even apply knowing I had no chances. A teammate of mine applied for me after I helped him with some work,
    didn't realize until a week later when the owner said "Congratulations Lt_Anikkaz (my 2017 name) on Moderator!" On a broadcast, I was confused as I thought it was a TAB accident, turns out it wasn't and then everyone started being nice to me, a day passed and it made my day seeing people asking for me and after 3 months passed and I was still a moderator. I was on the server every day once I got to the moderator "job" I took it seriously, I was helping players and banning all of the players that we're cheating, From becoming a moderator I learnt about how people were playing and if they were cheating or legit but sometimes it was hard to tell and had to deal with screenshares. I was spending most of my time online helping people and it was enjoyable until my laptop got a problem and had to resign and I was really sad knowing that I couldn't do anything about it or fix the laptop.

  10. What advice would you give to someone who had to deal with someone younger than them? -
  11. Are you able to record? I can record at 1080,60fps
  12. Why do you want to be a staff member on this server? I have never been a staff member to a server before they open and i think it would be really cool supporting a server from his start  

Why should we accept your application over others?  ~I have the capability to adapt and change to situations which makes me perfect to assume a role of a staff member as this would let me deal with any situations regarding players quickly and precisely, this would also let me see the point of view of both sides and would allow me to calm situations easier. Furthermore, I am capable of thinking of new and creative ideas that I think would be cool and would enhance player experience. Also, I'd love to spend the time that I spent on HyperDraft as a moderator on Poloko.

  1. How many applications have you made before? On this server none.
  2. Any additional information? I think thats alright.
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