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Staff Application Format


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Minecraft Staff Application Questions


Please take the application process seriously. Copy this format into a new thread and proceed to answer the questions in order. Be as detailed as you can and answer only the questions asked. If you have been banned from the server, you are in-eligible to apply for a staff rank, even if you have bought a ban-pass and have been approved to rejoin the server. We prefer that all staff be at least 14 years of age, but there can always be an exception. Buying a rank does not give you a better chance of being accepted as a staff member, so please do not linger on this in your application. We will let you know within a week whether your application is being considered or has been denied. If your application is being considered, it does not mean that it has been approved. Be patient with the application process, and always be respectful of staff. Thanks!

 format by: R3negadeGamer


Helper Questions


  1. What is your name (Last, First)?
  2. What is your in-game username?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What time zone do you live in?
  5. Are you multilingual? If so, in what languages?
  6. Have you ever been kicked/muted/banned on this server?
  7. At what level would you rate your maturity (10 being most mature)?
  8. How many hours have you spent on this server?
  9. What past experience do you have at being a staff member?
  10. Are you able to record?
  11. Why do you want to be a staff member on this server?
  12. Why should we accept your application over others?
  13. How many applications have you made before?
  14. Any additional information?
  15. Discord username(with tags):


Edited by ProjectPaloko
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1. My name is Stephanie

2. My username is 9m0

3. I am currently 14 years old

4. Europe - Cyprus

5. I speak English, Portuguese and Greek

6.No, I haven't

7. 9

8. About 5 hours per day.

9.  I have been a Staff on a smaller server which now died but I was pretty good.

10. Sometimes

11. Because this is the server I spend most time on and I think it would be fun to help out people.

12. Because I've got experience and I'm sure I'll be able to help out new people.

13. None

14. Not really.

15. ohlol#9543

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