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Custom skript's from 2b2t


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You know 2b2t and they have like green text after > and that's pretty cool becase im making a anarchy server with no abuse everything is REALLY allowed not like other servers they ban you for hacking and those are unofficial plugins but i trust them of 2b2t that i would be thankful if they could be in skript i tried coding /kill command i didn't tested it yet but those are the plugins:

ChatCo (greentext, ignoring, pm colors)

REGEx (to block certain strings like bukkit:   for ex. /bukkit:help)

A custom plugin to block certain commands (like /? and /version)


And even if could someone took they're time and searched all 2b2t's death messages i would be thankful if they appeared. They can be one by one i don't want all of them at one time i just wanna make good server even tho im bad at it so im asking for help. And i know those are not skripts but they are plugins but would be cool if atleast some of them could be made shortly in skript. If you actually gonna help me i would be really really thankful.

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The code listed below should be able to do 3/4 of the things asked.

# Events
    set {_fc} to first character of message
    {_fc} = ">"
    set chat format to "<%player%> &a%message%" 
    command contains ":":
        player doesn't have permission "*":
            cancel event
            send "&4Illegal syntax!"
    command = "/me", "/say", "/help", "/?", "/version", "/ver", "/plugins" or "/pl":
        player doesn't have permission "*":
            send "&4No permission!"

To make players spawn in a radius around spawn rather than directly on it, you can use in-game gamerule commands. To do this, type in /gamerule spawnRadius. You should be able to fill in the blanks from there.

Edited by Dadrien
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  • 7 months later...
On 6/24/2020 at 7:45 AM, Infisrael said:

I would like also to see custom /kill command that kills yourself and /togglechat that disabled the chat only for you.

I will build onto @Dadrien's code:


# Events
    set {_fc} to first character of message
    {_fc} = ">"
    set {_p} to event-player
    set {_m} to message
    loop all players:
        if {chat::toggled::*} doesn't contain loop-player:
            add loop-player to {_t::*}
    send "<%{_p}%> &a%{_m}%" to {_t::*}
    set chat format to "<%player%> &a%message%"
    command contains ":":
        player doesn't have permission "*":
            cancel event
            send "&4Illegal syntax!"
    command = "/me", "/say", "/help", "/?", "/version", "/ver", "/plugins" or "/pl":
        player doesn't have permission "*":
            send "&4No permission!"


command /togglechat:
        if {chat::toggled::*} doesn't contain player:
            add player to {chat::toggled::*}
            send "&cYou have disabled chat!"
            remove player from {chat::toggled::*}
            send "&aYou have enabled chat!"

command /kill:
        kill player

This should work, let me know if there are any issues.



“When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad!"

Default - 12/12/2015

[VIP] - 10/8/2018

[JR.MOD] - 9/12/2020

[MOD] - 10/14/2020

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# Events
    set {_fc} to first character of message
    {_fc} = ">"
    loop all players:
        if {chat::toggled::*} doesn't contain loop-player:
            add loop-player to {_t::*}
    send "<%player%> &a%message%" to {_t::*}
    set chat format to "<%player%> &a%message%"
on join:
    loop all players:
        if {connections::toggled::*} doesn't contain loop-player:
            add loop-player to {_t::*}
    send "&e%player% has joined the game" to {_t::*}

on quit:
    loop all players:
        if {connections::toggled::*} doesn't contain loop-player:
            add loop-player to {_t::*}
    send "&e%player% has left the game" to {_t::*}

    command contains ":":
        player doesn't have permission "*":
            cancel event
            send "&4Illegal syntax!"
    command = "/me", "/say", "/help", "/?", "/version", "/ver", "/plugins" or "/pl":
        player doesn't have permission "*":
            send "&4No permission!"


command /togglechat:
        if {chat::toggled::*} doesn't contain player:
            add player to {chat::toggled::*}
            send "&cYou have disabled chat!"
            remove player from {chat::toggled::*}
            send "&aYou have enabled chat!"
command /toggleconnections:
        if {connections::toggled::*} doesn't contain player:
            add player to {connections::toggled::*}
            send "&cYou have disabled connections!"
            remove player from {connections::toggled::*}
            send "&aYou have enabled connections!"

command /kill:
        kill player

You can probably optimize this skript with functions if you want, but this should work.


“When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad!"

Default - 12/12/2015

[VIP] - 10/8/2018

[JR.MOD] - 9/12/2020

[MOD] - 10/14/2020

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