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Moderating Servers Efficiently

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M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q




Introduction to Moderating Servers Efficiently

Greetings, server owners and staff members! This post will teach you how to moderate your server efficiently. It's important to know how to moderate your server on Minehut, so I'm creating this post to educate you all on how to moderate servers effectively. It is important to note that if your server is left unmoderated and players break Minehut rules on your server, it risks being suspended. Minehut's parent company, GamerSafer, is all about safety online for gamers, and we expect that server owners and staff members enforce this behavior.


Moderation Plugins

You're welcome to use the normal Minecraft ban system for any punishments, but there are a lot of other plugins that you can use, to help moderate your server efficiently and fairly. The following are plugins that I would recommend choosing to use on your server to punish players that break the rules. Be sure to read their respective pages to find which plugin is best for your server.

  • AdvancedBanAdvancedBan is a plugin that is already commonly used on Minehut servers. It's a great free solution to punishing rule breakers on your server.
  • LiteBansLiteBans is a great paid solution to punish rule breakers on your server. Optionally, for more advanced users, it has a web interface where you can track punishments issued by staff members on your server, and a handful of other useful features as well.
  • LibertyBans: LibertyBans is an excellent punishment plugin that has a variety of different features for your server's staff members. 
  • EssentialsXEssentials is not only a plugin for punishing players, but also has core essential commands to help you out on your server. It's not primarily focused on punishing players, rather essential commands, but it definitely gets the job done if needed. It is important to note that when you enter the page to download this plugin, you should click the "Stable release" category, as it automatically sends you to the page to get development builds, which may be unstable.

Determining Punishments

Player servers have the authority to punish players for any reason, as long as it aligns with our rules, which can be found at https://forums.minehut.com/rules. It's important to note that discriminatory behavior or encouraging others to harm themselves in real life, in any context, is prohibited behavior on Minehut, and these two rules must always be enforced on your server. Not only is it important to know what to punish players for, but also how long to restrict that player's access to your server. Below, you will find what I would recommend for servers to follow for punishments on their server, for their first offense. 

  • Spamming: Warn for minor offenses, if continued, I would recommend a mute for 1 day.
  • Disrespecting Others: Warn for minor offenses, if continued, I would recommend a mute for 1 week.
  • Discrimination: Players should never be given warnings for this type of offense, I would recommend a ban for 1 month.
  • Inappropriate Username/Skin: You should permanently ban these users, and optionally, remove their punishment if they change the inappropriate content.
  • Swearing: Servers are not typically required to prevent players from swearing, but it's definitely encouraged. If you feel the need to warn them, you can, but if they continue, I would recommend muting them for 1 day.
  • Under 13: You are required to remove players from your server for being under the age of 13 years old on Minehut. This is due to COPPA laws in the United States, where Minehut operates.

This post is continued below.

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Determining Punishments (cont.)

  • Death Wishes/Encouraging Self Harm Warnings should not be given to players for this type of behavior. I would recommend banning players for at least 1 month for this type of behavior, and extended if you feel like it's warranted.
  • Inappropriate Behavior: Servers may define inappropriate behavior differently, but this is typically behavior related to discussion about sexual topics. Users should not be given a warning about this type of behavior. I would recommend muting them for at least 1 week.
  • Explicit Content/Predatory Behavior: This type of content is taken extremely seriously, and should usually be a permanent, unappealable ban on your server. This behavior should reported to the Minehut support team at https://support.minehut.com for further review.


It is also important to note that Minehut servers are required to have some form of chat filter I didn't have room for this in the post above, so I put it here... I would recommend using this plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/chatfilter-chat-signs-books-and-anvils.81652/


The punishments above are mostly only recommendations, and you're welcome to modify these punishments however you wish, as long as they are up to Minehut's standards. If you ever have a question about what punishments are acceptable or not on your server, you're welcome to ask in our Discord server at https://discord.gg/Minehut, or contact support at https://support.minehut.com -> "Submit a request" in the top right. You could also ask a moderator in-game via the /msg command if need be. The aim for this post was to educate server owners and staff members on how to moderate their server effectively, as it is common for servers on Minehut to be suspended for not enforcing rules on their server, and it's a shame to see servers that have such great potential being removed from Minehut for a silly thing like that.


Java & Kotlin Developer




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  • 1 month later...

This only really discusses punishment plugins and chat moderation and while I can understand why minehut staff wouldn't touch other things (because chat violations are by far the most common type on minehut), moderating those is far more important.

Infractions like swearing and disrespect have virtually no impact on a server compared to infractions like

  • Player-induced crashes/kickalls
  • TPS Lag machines
  • Pvp hackers
  • Map griefing
  • Scripting/Botting/Automation

(Especially the first two)

Finally, ip bans don't affect the account and thus let the player come back on a vpn an' transfer their items/bal to an alt (I don't know if there are plugins that solve this).




Edited by SSC123

What is the largest free mh server you've seen?

16/5/21 - 53 was reached


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