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Anti Reach skript!

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Here is my antireach skript please dont remove credits

created by: JellyJumperYT
discord: anyonefr


#Created by Discord: anyonefr | IGN: JellyJumperYT | https://discord.gg/gtWkAR3gYS
on damage:
    attacker is a player:
        gamemode of attacker is survival:
            attacker is not flying:
                set {_y.a} to y coord of attacker
                set {_y.v} to y coord of victim
                set {_yan} to {_y.v} - {_y.a}
                if {_yan} >= 0.01:
                    set {_ans} to distance between location of victim and location of attacker - ({_yan} / 2)
                if {_yan} <= 0:
                    set {_ans} to distance between location of victim and location of attacker
                if {_ans} > 4.25:
                    send "&7[&3&lFusion&6AntiCheat&7] &3&l[%attacker%] &7Reach Cheat detection &7[&7Y Level: &b%{_yan}% &7Distance: &b%{_ans}%&7]" to all players where [player input has permission "anticheat.notify"]
                    cancel event
                    {ka::%attacker's uuid%} is not true
                    set {ka::%attacker's uuid%} to true
                    wait 5 ticks
                    clear {ka::%attacker's uuid%}

on any movement:
    {ka::%player's uuid%} is true
    cancel event
on break:
    {ka::%player's uuid%} is true
    cancel event
on damage:
    {ka::%attacker's uuid%} is true
    cancel event


Edited by JellyJumper
credit change


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