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Why is my Fortune skript not working?

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Ok so here it is:
on block break:
    if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 2 of {_block}
            drop 2 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 3 of {_block}
            drop 3 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 4 of {_block}
            drop 4 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 4:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 5 of {_block}
            drop 5 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 5:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 6 of {_block}
            drop 6 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 6:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 7 of {_block}
            drop 7 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 7:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 8 of {_block}
            drop 8 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 8:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 9 of {_block}
            drop 9 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 9:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 10 of {_block}
            drop 10 of {_block}
    else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 10:
        set {_block} to type of block
        if lore of player's held item contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            clear drops
            give player 11 of {_block}
            drop 11 of {_block}

THERE IS NO BUGS IN /Skript reload scripts
but when I use something with fortune no matter what enchants I give or if it has telepathy or not it always drops or gives me 3 blocks


plz help

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Posted (edited)

i asked chatgpt to make it better and I have no way to check if this works because I hit the daily time limit of my server so can someone tell me if this would work?on block break:
    set {_tool} to player's tool
    set {_telepathy} to false
    set {_fortuneLevel} to 0
    loop lore of {_tool} as {_line}:
        if {_line} contains "&7Telepathy 1":
            set {_telepathy} to true
        if {_line} starts with "&7Fortune ":
            set {_fortuneLevel} to last word of {_line}
    if {_telepathy} is true:
        clear drops
        give player {_fortuneLevel + 1} of type of block
        drop {_fortuneLevel + 1} of type of block




Edited by EdTheWizard
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Ok i got it, its lore-based so it can look nice too!

on block break: #Fortune and Telepathy
    set {_telepathy} to false
    set {_fortuneLevel} to 0 

    loop lore of player's held item:
        set {_line} to loop-value
        if {_line} contains "&7⮞ &eTelepathy 1":
            set {_telepathy} to true
        if {_line} contains "&7⮞ &eFortune ":
            set {_list::*} to split {_line} by " "
            set {_fortuneIndex} to index of "&7⮞ &eFortune " in {_line}
            set {_secondItem} to {_list::%{_fortuneIndex} + 2%}
    set {_fortuneLevel} to {_secondItem}
    if {_telepathy} is true:
        clear drops
        give player ({_fortuneLevel} parsed as number) of type of block
        give player 1 of type of block
        drop ({_fortuneLevel} parsed as number) of type of block

If you want to know what it looks like

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