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Health indicator under name

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On 2/23/2024 at 11:56 PM, ChessGM948 said:

it just says 0 health and doesnt update. if someone can make a better skript, please

Hello. From what I can tell this is due to your use of "loop-player's health" as this (afaik) will return all health values on the server. This should work:

on join:
	wait 1 tick
	loop players:
		set score " Health" below player to player's health for loop-player

on damage:
	victim is a player:
		loop players:
			set score " Health" below victim to victim's health for loop-player

on heal:
	event-entity is a player:
		loop players:
			set score " Health" below event-entity to event-entity's health for loop-player

Note: This is untested and may be inefficient due to the player looping. I don't know if something like "below player to player's health for all players" works, which would eliminate the need for looping. I am currently unable to test if this skript even has errors but if you have difficulties with it, please let me know.


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