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[FIXED] Not sending a message when mining

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on break:
	cancel drops
	if {fortune.%player%} is not 0:
		if event-block is red tulip:
			send "hi -1"
			if (level of fortune of player's tool) is not set:
				send "hi -2"
				give player round((1 * {pvpmulti.%player%}) * ({multi})) of red tulip named "&fValentine's Flower" with lore "&f&lCOMMON"
				if player's tool is shears:
					send "hi 0"
					if lore of player's tool contains formatted "&7Explosive: &a+10":
						send "hi 1"
						loop all blocks in radius 1 around event-block:
							send "hi 2"
							if loop-block is a red tulip:
								send "hi 3" to player
								set loop-block to air
								send "hi 4" to player
								give player round((1 * (level of fortune of player's tool) * {pvpmulti.%player%}) * ({multi})) of red tulip named "&fValentine's Flower" with lore "&f&lCOMMON"
					give player round((1 * (level of fortune of player's tool) * {pvpmulti.%player%}) * ({multi})) of red tulip named "&fValentine's Flower" with lore "&f&lCOMMON"
					give player round((1 * {pvpmulti.%player%}) * ({multi})) of red tulip named "&fValentine's Flower" with lore "&f&lCOMMON"

Yo this is not sending hi -1 when i mine red tulips with the shears with description "&7Explosive: &a+10"image.png.55b299426c3ff7aa3ef117d97689b11b.png

but when i mine with some normal shears it sends "hi -1" and "hi 0".


Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.

Note: the "hi"s are for debugging

fixed the bug
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  • LEGENSTUFF changed the title to [FIXED] Not sending a message when mining

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