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Can someone help me i dont know what else i need to add or what its a skript that puts people on random teams on join

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on first join:
 set {predefined::*} to 1, 2. and 3
 set {_gen} to random object out of {predefined::*}

  if {_gen} is =1:
   execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-1"
  if {_gen} is =2:
   execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-2"
   execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-3"   

Edited by Aidih
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7 errors damn (ez spoonfeed)





set {predefined::*} to 1, 2. and 3

This isn't a thing, you can set a local variable "{_var}" to a random integer between 1 and 3, like:

set {_predefined} to random integer between 1 and 3

Also make sure you didn't do any typos, because there was a typo in ... to 1, 2. and 3 (you used a dot instead of a comma)



  if {_gen} is =1:

You added "=" before the integer, did you even reload the skript? (/sk reload <file name>)

"=" | equal to
">" | greater than
"<" | less than

">=" | greater than or equal to
"<=" | less than or equal to

You did: if {_gen} is is1:
Also you didn't even set any random number to the local var {_gen}, but you did for {_predefined}

if {_predefined} is 1:



Also you have indentation errors on:


execute console command "[cmd]"

In skript, you need to maintain consistent indentation, meaning you cannot indent 1 line 5 spaces, and the next 7 spaces. Usually it's recommended you use tabs, however.
A good rule of thumb is to always indent the subsequent line whenever the previous statement ends with a ":", an exception to this in command statements with items before the trigger such as "permission:" or "aliases:"
With conditional statements and loops, any code that is indented within the statement will be run as a part of the statement, other code will not run within the statement. Here's an example.

command /test:
	permission: skript.test
		if {example} is not set:
			broadcast "Thisdwipjorgv"
			wait 1 tick
            loop all players:
				send "Hello, %loop-player%"
		else if {example2} is true:
			broadcast "Thujioerfgtsero5tfhuigb"


	if {_predefined} = 1:
		execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-1"





You added 2 of ":" and else is used for stuff like "is true/false" "is set/not set"

Here's the fixed code:

on first join:
	set {_predefined} to random integer between 1 and 3

 	if {_predefined} = 1:
		execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-1"
	if {_predefined} = 2:
		execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-2"
	if {_predefined} = 3:
		execute console command "/luckperms user %player% parent set team-3" 


Also I removed " set {_gen} to random object out of {predefined::*}" because it's useless, why are you setting a variable to numbers and using another variable to set to the variable thats set to numbers (smth like that I honestly dont know what i said)

Also I might be wrong, and I don't know how to explain things properly so ya


Edited by sulfur
Forgot to add one more thing
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