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dupe skript


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hey guys i have been working on a dupe skript and i just wanna know if it works, also i want to know how to make the xlifedupe group thingy i cant do it lol im struggling i have only been coding for 3 months:


command /dupe:
        if player's tool is not air:
            if {blockeditems:netherite_igont, bedrock:} contains player's tool:
                send action bar "&cYou can't dupe this item!" to player
                give player's tool to player
            send action bar "&cYou can't dupe air." to player
        if player has permission "xlifedupe.command.dupe.block":
            if arg-1 is "block":
                if {blockeditems:netherite_igont, bedrock:} doesn't contain player's tool:
                    if player's tool is not air:
                        send "&aSuccess: Added &6%player's tool%&a to blocked items!"
                        add player's tool to {blockeditems:netherite_igont, bedrock:}
                        send "&cError: This item cannot be in blocked items"
                    send "&cError: This item is already in blocked items"
        if player has permission "xlifedupe.command.dupe.remove":
            if arg-1 is "remove":
                if {blockeditems:netherite_igont, bedrock:} contains player's tool:
                    send "&aSuccess: Removed &6%player's tool%&a from blocked items!"
                    remove player's tool from {blockeditems:netherite_igont, bedrock:*}
                    send "&cError: You cannot dupe items that are blacklisted."


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