ItzDemonSlayer Posted December 15, 2023 Posted December 15, 2023 Somehow console cant give player coins bc it doesnt have permission and I do? options: prefix: &6&lCoins&r &7»&r version: 1.1 on first join: set {coins::%player%} to 0 on join: if {coins::%player%} is not set: set {coins::%player%} to 0 command /coins [<text>] [<player>] [<int>]: description: Help for Coins. usage: /coins (add:remove:set:reset) (player) (value) executable by: players and console trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "" send " &6&lCOINS" send "" send " &8● &7/coins give (player) (value) &6- Add player's coins" send " &8● &7/coins take (player) (value) &6- Remove player's coins" send " &8● &7/coins set (player) (value) &6- Set player's coins" send " &8● &7/coins reset (player) &a- Reset player's coins" send "" if arg-1 is set: if player has permission "coins.admin": if arg-1 is "give": if arg-2 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins give (player) (value)" if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins give (player) (value)" if arg-3 is set: add arg-3 to {coins::%arg-2%} send " {@prefix} &7Operation completed successfully!" send " {@prefix} &7You have recived &6%arg-3%&7 coins." to arg-2 if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins take (player) (value)" if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins take (player) (value)" if arg-3 is set: remove arg-3 from {coins::%arg-2%} send " {@prefix} &7Operation completed successfully!" send " {@prefix} &7You have lost &6%arg-3%&7 coins." to arg-2 if arg-1 is "set": if arg-2 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins set (player) (value)" if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins set (player) (value)" if arg-3 is set: set {coins::%arg-2%} to arg-3 send " {@prefix} &7Operation completed successfully!" send " {@prefix} &7You have now &6%arg-3%&7 coins." to arg-2 if arg-1 is "reset": if arg-2 is not set: send " &6Correct Usage: &7/coins reset (player)" if arg-2 is set: set {coins::%arg-2%} to 0 send " {@prefix} &7You reset &6%arg-2%&7's coins!" send " {@prefix} &7Your coins have been reset." to arg-2 if player does not have permission "coins.admin": send " &cYou don't have the permission."
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