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I'm Bored so I'll create skripts for people


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  1. /discord, /ping (starting easy lol)
  2. Randomly chooses one of 5 'templates' and clones it to a set section
    • So like it either copies section A to the set section
    • or section B to the set section
    • etc. up to section E
  3. [MATH WARNING] /seed - seeds a SRNG with a string; then, you can run /random to invoke the SRNG as many times as you want
    Should give a real number/float/double/decimal/whatever between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
  4. /show and /hide commands to show and hide people from the tablist, and /tabhiddenlist for currently hidden people
  5. [COMPLEX] minimal deterministic crates plugin - can use constants (I actually want this one)

Well this is what you signed up for when you didn't say how easy or hard they had to be.

Edited by Name_not_used
notes and edit /show,/hide
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