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Minehut Ranks


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Minehut Ranks


Where are donator ranks acquired?
The purchase of ranks can be made on minehut.com/shop/ranks for differing amounts of credits depending on the rank. Note that ranks are paid monthly with credits. Therefore, if the monthly purchase is halted, your rank will be revoked.


What perks are given to each donator rank?

[VIP] - 800 credits / month

  • Chat tag --> [VIP]
  • Lobby ad cap is increased to 50 ads per month
  • Feature to toggle off default chat (Messages sent by default users)
  • White chat colour
  • 3 given particles that can be equipped in the cosmetics menu
  • Fly in the lobby
  • Discord rank (Rank follows your in-game rank)
  • Your servers are featured in a subscriber only category in the server selector menu
  • Use /mhc to access a global chat where you can speak with other subscribers
  • Ability to earn special ranks, such as image.png.26bde3c6829a177415a27d340449c498.png
  • Ability to use colours in /ad
  • Ability to format ad messages and offer a one click join

[VIP+] - 1,900 credits / month

  • Rank perks from [VIP]
  • Chat tag --> [VIP+]
  • Ad cap increased to 250 max ads
  • Lobby chat cooldown decreased to 2 seconds

[PRO] - 4,800 credits / month

  • Rank perks from [VIP+]
  • Chat tag --> [PRO]
  • Ad cap increased to 500 max ads
  • 4 given particles that can be equipped in the cosmetics menu

[LEGEND] - 8,000 credits / month

  • Rank perks from [PRO]
  • Chat tag --> [LEGEND]
  • Ad cap increased to 1,000 max ads
  • 5 given particles that can be equipped in the cosmetics menu
  • No chat cooldown

[PATRON] - 16,000 credits / month

  • Rank perks from [LEGEND]
  • Chat tag --> [PATRON]
  • Ad cap increased to 2,500 max ads

Note: The discord rank follows whatever rank you purchase:




How can I equip ranks?

Ranks can be equipped in-game in your compass menu under ranks. This feature allows you to equip any chat tag that is available to you.


How do event ranks work?
Event ranks are ranks that can be acquired during special Minehut organized events. You usually need to compete in some obstacle course or challenge to claim it. Usually, two variants of the ranks exist, a coloured and a non-coloured version. The coloured version is for subscribers and the non-coloured version is for default players. Although, subscribers inherit from both ranks. Event ranks are permanent. Therefore, even after your donator rank subscription is over, you can still equip the chat tag.

What event ranks exist?

[CHEESE] - 08/01/2023 (Cheese event)

[🥓] - 6/16/2023 (Father's day event)

[PRIDE] - 06/09/2023 (Pride month)

[🌺] - 05/12/2023 (Mother's day event)

[EARTH] - 04/21/2023 (Earth day event)

[EGG] - 04/07/2023 (Egg)


What are the staff ranks?
Although some more have existed in the past, the current ranks to live up are:

  • [ADMIN] - Given to Minehut's official admin team
  • [HELPER] - Given to Minehut's volunteer team

What are the other special ranks?

Once again, many more may have existed but the current special ranks in existence are:

  • [CREATOR] - Given to content creators who meet the requirements Apply here
  • [BUILDER] - Given to Minehut's official builders
  • [⛏️] - Given to Twitch Rivals testers


Note: This guide does not include any information about ranks that have been removed or that aren't used anymore



[RETIRED] - Azuyamat








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