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if anyone needs a skript

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i want a skript when you do /freerank

it executes

lp user %player% parent set free

and if they dont have permssion to do it

send a message saying

&c&lYou already have a rank!


ive tried to skript this myself but i am not very good at it 😅

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	permission: skript.permission

command /freerank:
		if player has permission "{@permission}":
			execute console command "/lp user %player% parent set free"
			send "&c&lYou already have a rank!"

change skript.permission to the permission required to execute the command

Edited by ApexSplat

Discord: Dead#6905

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i need a skript where u can upgrade ur pickaxe so when u right click with the pickaxe it opens a gui where theres any item in the middel and when u click on it enchant the pickaxe with efficiency 1 at the time and u max upgrade is 5


idk if im asking for too much code but its fine if u dont want to give or make it to me

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on right click with pickaxe:
    set metadata tag "pickaxe" of player to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&6&lUpgrade":
    set {_x} to 0
    loop 54 times:
        set slot {_x} of metadata tag "pickaxe" of player to black stained glass pane
        add 1 to {_x}
    set {_level} to level of efficiency of player's tool
    set {_type} to type of player's tool
    set slot 22 of metadata tag "pickaxe" of player to {_type} of efficiency {_level} + 1 named "&6&lUpgrade"
    open (metadata tag "pickaxe" of player) to player

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pickaxe" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 22:
            set {_level} to level of efficiency of player's tool
            if {_level} isn't 5:
                enchant player's tool with efficiency {_level} + 1
                send "You have reached the max upgrade of 5!"
            close player's inventory

not tested

Discord: Dead#6905

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im very bad at skript and been looking everywhere but i cant find a skript so i thought i will ask someone here if they can make it for me.
So basically the server does keyall everytime that the amount of online players is doubled, Ex: theres 1 player and when another one joins a key all is done and then when 2 more players join another key all is done etc

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2 hours ago, KarateBlade said:

yea if you could make it like that

on join:
    set {_online} to amount of online players
    set {_power} to 1
    set {_num} to 2
    while {_num} != {_online}:
        wait 1 tick
        set {_num} to {_num}^{_power}
        if {_num} > {_online}:
        add 1 to {_power}
    execute console command "/" # Put the command executed for the key all here

not tested

Edited by ApexSplat

Discord: Dead#6905

Love anime!

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  • 1 month later...

DNAbuckle86 this is the lifesteal+afk skript

on first join:
  set {hearts::%player%} to 10
  set {afk::%player%} to false
  set {maxhealth} to 100

every 5 ticks:
  loop all players:
    if {hearts::%loop-player%} is 0:
      broadcast "&4&l%loop-player% &r&4was banned because they ran out of hearts!"
      make console execute command "/ban %loop-player% &cYou ran out of hearts! You will be unbanned in three weeks."
      wait 30420 minutes
      make console execute command "/pardon %loop-player%"
    set loop-player's max health to {hearts::%loop-player%}

every 20 minutes:
  loop all players:
    if {afk::*} contains loop-player:
      give loop-player phantom membrane named "&cHeart"

on rightclick:
  if player's tool is phantom membrane named "&cHeart":
    if {hearts::%player%} is less than {maxhealth}:
      remove 1 phantom membrane named "&cHeart" from the player
      add 1 to {hearts::%player%}

on death:
  victim is a player
  remove 1 from {hearts::%victim%}
  attacker is a player
  if {hearts::%attacker%} is less than {maxhealth}:
    add 1 to {hearts::%attacker%}
  if {hearts::%attacker%} is {maxhealth}:
    send "&cYou are at full hearts! The heart item will be put into your inventory." to player
  if {hearts::%attacker%} is more than {maxhealth}:
    set {hearts::%attacker%} to 100
    send "&cYou are at full hearts! The heart item will be put into your inventory." to player
    if player can hold phantom membrane named "&cHeart":
      send "&cYou are at full hearts! The heart item will be put into your inventory." to player
      give player phantom membrane named "&cHeart"
      send "&cYou are at full hearts, and your inventory is full. The item will be dropped on the ground." to player
      drop phantom membrane named "&cHeart" at attacker

command /withdraw [<integer>]:
  usage: /withdraw [<amount>]
  executable by: players
    if arg-1 is set:
      if arg-1 is more than {hearts::%player%}:
        if player can hold arg-1 of phantom membrane named "&cHeart":
          send "&cYou are at full hearts!" to player
          give player phantom membrane named "&cHeart"
          send "&cYou are at full hearts, and your inventory is full. The heart has been dropped on the ground."
          drop phantom membrane named "&cHeart" at player

command /afk:
  executable by: players
    teleport player to AFK AREA COORDS
    send "&aYou are now AFK. Use /spawn to go back to spawn." to player
    set {afk::%player%} to true

command /spawn:
  executable by: players
    teleport player to SPAWN COORDS
    send "&aTeleported to spawn." to player
    set {afk::%player%} to false

set SPAWN COORDS and AFK AREA COORDS to the coordinates of the spawn and AFK area.

The code is untested but it doesn't have any errors

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/19/2023 at 2:41 PM, ghostjusr said:
command /afk:
  executable by: players
    teleport player to AFK AREA COORDS
    send "&aYou are now AFK. Use /spawn to go back to spawn." to player
    set {afk::%player%} to true

It doesn't work for me, says that teleport is an unknown condition.

Do I have to install any addons to skript?

PS. Your formatting is horrible (no offence)

hi; just gamin

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/5/2023 at 1:38 AM, ghostjusr said:

If anyone needs help making scripts or needs one to be created but doesn't know how you can just reply here and I can help.


yes please is there any way to make a skript for a shop gui   where u do /shop where when somone has full netherite they can trade the nethite armour + netherite sword for 0.5hp (red dye) instead or  a (sunflower acting as coin ) for 20k in money or (Gold apple or god apple)they heal 0.1 per hit they deal on a player . if you could do this it would be much appreciated if its to hard then let me know ( im knew to skripting )

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