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so I'm making an armor set bonus ability, however 

on armor equip
on armor change

neither of these work because skript can't recognize the event.

	{magma} = false
on armor equip:
	if type of player's helm is a player head named "&4&lMagma Headgear &6&l[T]":
		if player is wearing a leather chestplate named "&4&lMagma Torso &6&l[T]":
			if player is wearing a leather leggings named "&4&lMagma Leggings &6&l[T]":
				if player is wearing a leather boots named "&4&lMagma Boots &6&l[T]":
					{magma} = true
				if player is not wearing a leather boots named "&4&lMagma Boots &6&l[T]":
					{magma} = false
on player move:
	if {magma} is true:
		apply potion of fire resistance of tier 1 to player for 15 seconds
		apply potion of jump boost of tier 1 to player for 15 seconds

full code, would appreciate if anyone could help I'm new to skript.

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