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Blackjack in minecraft


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Hey!, im looking for someone who can skript me a blackjack skript
basically youtube.com/watch?v=X7AoybZ4dVs&ab_channel=WaifuSimulator27, its calicojack
blackjack but with numbers
so basically it work slike this
/blackjack (player)
/blackjack accept

when accepted you will both be put in a gui sort of like trading
then you can trade each other the items you want to bet, if both accept the blackjack game starts, if one deny the trade gets cancelled
and then the blackjack game starts
you can search "calico jack on youtube" and some yt video with the name "playing calicojack", then itll give you an example of what I mean

then whoever wins, gets the other persons items that he/she bet


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