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Skript-Mirror/Skript-Reflect Bossbar Tutorial


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(I've only tested this on skript-reflect, but given that reflect is a hook it will most likely work the same)

Don't wanna use skellett/skRayFall? Skript-Mirror/Reflect can work too! Full code is at the end if you just want to copy and paste something.

We will need to import the following:


The former being to create the bossbar, the middle two being elements of the constructor element, and the last being so that we can use Bukkit.createBossBar, as {Bukkit}.createBossBar didn't work.

Next, we will need to create the bossbar. We can do so by setting a variable. Note that deleting the variable will not hide the bossbar, so you will have to use {variable}.removeAll() or {variable}.setVisible(false) to hide the bossbar. We can create a bossbar using the following:

set {variable} to Bukkit.createBossBar("Text", BarColor.(color), BarStyle.(style))

Text can be anything you want the title to be.
Colors (Must be capital): BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW
Styles: (Must also be capital): SEGMENTED_6 SEGMENTED_10, SEGMENTED_12, SEGMENTED_20, SOLID

Next, you will need to add players and enable visibility. You can do so like this:



Bossbars will not automatically assign themselves to players. If you would like to show them to every player, you'll do so like this.

loop all players:


Now for a few extra things, such as changing the title, color and style after creating the bossbar, and the progress of the bossbar.

{variable}.setProgress(number between 0 and 1)





In the end, it ends up looking something like this:


on load:
	delete {bossbar}
	set {bossbar} to Bukkit.createBossBar("&bWelcome to my server!", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SOLID)
	loop all players:
on join:

Hopefully I helped someone!

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