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can someone make this skript?

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Its a level pvping skript can someone make it like

each 10 kills: level up! on their screen with actionbar


and like give them 2-3 emeralds per level up

and have like a different color on the leveling scoreboard i think that would be cool

(it may take some time but if you do it i will love it so much if  you attempt it and make it for me)
 i have wanted this for a while and i will credit their name

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Here is the levels skript but didn't do a scoreboard: 

on join:
    set {kills::%player's uuid%} to 0
    set {level::%player's uuid%} to 0

on death:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is player:
            add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
            if {kills::%attacker's uuid%} is divisible by 10: # change this to the amount of kills needed to level up each time
                add 1 to {level::%attacker's uuid%}
                send action bar "&6You have leveled up to level %{level::%attacker's uuid%}%" to attacker
                give attacker 2 emeralds # change this to the amount of emeralds you want them to get


Discord: Dead#6905

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